Chapter Three

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The sight Delia saw was most unexpected and truly horrifying. Patsy was having a seizure, like the ones she got, but more violent. All of a sudden the fit stopped, but Patsy was motionless. Lifeless.
"Quick, we need help!" Delia heard one of the ambulance crew shouting. They rolled Patsy onto the footpath and a woman performed CPR on her. Patsy was then taken away, leaving Delia dazed as to what just happened.

Phyllis was left dumbfounded after seeing the events that unfolded, and had no idea how to comfort Delia. She got out of her car and walked towards Delia, placing her arms around her in the hope that it might be comforting. To her surprise, Delia met it with a hug and sobbed into her shoulder.
"There, there, love, let it all out. Patsy will be fine and that is a promise I can keep," Phyllis reassured in a hushed tone.
"C-can we go in?" Delia asked whilst still crying.
"Of course we can, dear," Phyllis said.

When they went in and asked for Ms Patience Mount, they were sent to a waiting room. The room was extremely dull; there were four beige walls and grey flooring. Five chairs were lined along each wall, which made Delia laugh because Patsy loved everything perfect and hated odd numbers - in the clinic she always had an even number of chairs and everything was always in pristine condition. And, she always smelled of bleach.In the centre of the room was a table with a handful of magazines and newspapers on top of it, and a dying bunch of lilies was perched on the window ledge. After many hours a nurse appeared.
"Hello, I'm Nurse Greene. May I speak to Ms Busby?" The nurse asked asked, looking very solemn.
"Yes, of course. Is she alright?" Delia asked.
"Please come with me. I'll inform you on the way down," Nurse Greene replied.
Delia and Nurse Greene were heading for the ICU. Only very ill patients, patients who were dying came here. Patsy couldn't be dying!
"I am afraid I don't have the best of news for you, Ms Busby," Nurse Greene began. "Your friend, Patience Mount, she's in a coma and is dying."
"Oh God, no. Why? What happened?!" Delia asked but the nurse dodged her question and continued.
"We are allowing three days for her to wake from the coma. We would allow longer, but I'm afraid to say she'd just be a waste of space," Nurse Greene said.
"A waste of space of space? My Patsy, a waste of space?! How dare you utter those words!" Delia began, obviously very annoyed.
Nurse Green carried on. "Now Ms.Busby, calm down or you can't see her," Nurse Greene said calmly.

They walked into the ICU, where Patsy was, her skin as pale as a ghost, her normally plump red lips now shrivelled and a light pink. Although alive she looked liked she'd had a few visits to death's door. Delia walked over and sat by her love's bedside. She held Patsy's hand and rubbed it gently.
"Does Ms Mount have any family we can contact?" Nurse Greene asked.
Delia pondered. "She's a father in Hong Kong but they had a falling out, and haven't talked since Pats moved to England, about 10 years ago. She considers me and everyone else at Nonnatus her family," Delia told the nurse, who considered for a minute before replying.
"I see. Well, I will talk to the doctor and see if all at Nonnatus can visit before Thursday," Nurse Greene said. "Would you like a few moments alone?"
Delia began to nod, but turned back to Nurse Green."I have to ask, why only 3 days? Why not give her a chance? Just a week or two, that's all." Delia asked, on the verge of tears.
"Ms Busby, its simply because she's dying and only a 12% chance of living. You as a nurse should know that she most likely will not pull through," Nurse Greene said very matter of fact, and, with that, she walked out.
Delia was left absolutely stunned - she couldn't lose her Patsy, and was determined she whappened

"I'm not giving up on you, Pats, I know you'll wake up baby," Delia whispered.

I hope he liked this! Please comment honest opinions. I had a wonderful person edit this and would like to thank her, please let yourself be known in the comments so I can tag you next time.
Thanks to everyone who reads this. Even if only 3/4 it means a lot, Thank You!!!

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