Chapter 18

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*Patsy's Pov*

Three days later, when I was feeling much better Delia and I had Ethel's funeral. Delia told her mother and sure enough herself and Delia's father were down the next day. They have been a huge support, both to Delia and myself. Mrs. Busby has worked tirelessly helping with everything from cleaning rooms to making dinners to doing the laundry. Delia's father is a carpenter so he built a small white box to lay her in and a cross. He etched on the cross 'Ethel Nara Mount. An Angel Taken to Soon. Gone but Never Forgotten. Love is forever with you from your mother Patience, Your Grandfather Lloyd and The Busby's.'

We buried our Ethel in the back garden, underneath the huge Oaktree. It was a peaceful ceremony. I couldn't help but cry. While I have this little one kicking about (It's like he has the strength of two), I am here burying my daughter. I laid a kiss on her coffin as Delia lowered her down. It was such a bittersweet moment. We kneeled (well I sat) and prayed for a while as Mr. Busby covered the grave over with soil. We then all retreated into our house. Mrs. Busby in her true form had whipped up tea and sandwiches in no time. We sombrely sat around the table and little word was said other than 'what a nice day out' or 'can you believe its 4pm already!?'.

I heard a knock on the door. I insisted I was to get it, hoping it was Trixie. I wheeled to the door When I opened the door I couldn't believe my eyes.


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