Rex turns his head sideways, quietly answering. "I hit him."

Once again, my heart thuds with fear. "Why?" My question is followed by a nervous swallow, the thudding now felt inside my head.

"Because he said that once a whore, you will always be a whore." He's now the one to thoughtfully squeeze my hand before solemnly needing to look away. His father's bitterly said words are obviously still torturing him from the inside out.

Sitting closer, I wrap my arm lovingly around him. "I'm so sorry." I don't know why I am apologising, I just feel like I should. Rex has never asked for any of this. He doesn't deserve any of its painful ugliness.

Without warning, Rex suddenly grabs hold of me; clinging desperately onto me as he starts to cry against my chest. With an equal measure of desperation, I cling onto him. His pain is my pain. I feel every single hurt as if it were my own. "Sshhh, it's okay." I hold him tighter, kissing the top of his head with tiny kisses of regretful condolences. "I'm sorry that we've both put you through this." I tearfully apologise, kissing him over and over and over again.

Rex lifts his tear-stained face close to mine, his glassy eyes needing to seek sad solace within mine. "I was the one that pushed for the truth, Angel." He holds my cheeks in his strong but gentle hands. "I needed to hear the truth. The truth was keeping us apart. I asked you to tell me the reason why you left, and you told me. I didn't like what I heard, but it was enough for me to understand why you left. It was enough for me to know why I still loved you." Holding me still, caressing my cheeks with his thumbs, he whispers so very close to my mouth. "I love you more than ever, Angel. Knowing the truth has crushed me, but without you, I'm nothing." His velvety lips softly touch mine, just sweeping across them with affectionate ease. "You were once my everything and you're my everything now. My father once destroyed everything that we could have had. He'll not destroy it again." With his softly spoken declaration, he kisses me. Kissing me until I can't breathe.

Holding him ever closer, I break our heartfelt kiss. I break it because there is something that I so desperately need to say. "I love you so much, Rex. I have always loved you. I will always love you. I took away both of our happiness nine years ago, but I promise you that I will spend my entire lifetime making it up to you. I promise." My embrace is one that is shrouded in tender-hearted truth.

I am graciously given a small and loving smile before Rex begins peppering my face with the most exquisite of butterfly kisses. "I need to take you to bed." He whispers, not stopping his sensual onslaught.

I also need for him to take me to bed, it would seem my need is greater than his need to take me to bed. Slowly standing, I hold out my gracefully outstretched hand to him. Placing his palm into mine, we walk in anticipating silence. Each step that we ascend, we ascend with eager expectation of what is to pleasurably come.

Once inside my shadowed bedroom, we begin to peel away the layers of our clothing. Each garment is slowly removed; using only seducing and unhurried movements to do so. My flimsy camisole and matching pyjama bottoms leave me the first to be nearly naked. I am left standing in only my black satin knickers, and Rex is so very keen to remove them. Pinching the corners of my underwear, he effortlessly pulls them down my legs as his narrowed eyes worship the journey that they make down the length of my lean limbs, only looking back up at my face in order to allow me enough room to step out of my lingering lingerie.

With his hands now either side of my lower legs, his fingers upwardly trace the contours of my skin in a languid and slowly erotic way. Rex only has on a fitted black vest and his attractively fitted black boxer shorts. It's the first time that I have been able to fully appreciate the entire man that now stands before me, reacquainting myself with the sensational feelings that he used to stir within me. Everything about Rex is tender. I don't just mean his touch, I also mean his thoughts. I know that as his fingers smoothly glide across my warm skin, there are loving thoughts running through his mind. As tired, exhausted and as hurt as he is, he is thinking of me. I have suddenly become his world again and it's being expressed in the way he is worshipping my body. He slowly tangles and untangles me, all at the same sweet and confusing time. My confusion comes from a deeply scared part of myself. Scared, because I know that I don't want to ever lose the man who is reminding me of all the wonderful ways he used to love me. Scared, because I don't want this to ever end. Now that Rex is back in my life, I know that I couldn't bear the thought of him not being in it again. I somehow managed to go on without him nine years ago. But now he is here, adoring me with his fingertips and his mouth, I just know I couldn't do it again. Shuddering at the thought of losing him, I close my eyes, unaware that my tears are already waiting to fall.

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