The Cure (Tilda)

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They keep saying that Sigrid can be healed, I wan't to come and be a part of it but Tauriel won't let me. Instead I'm stuck with Bain who doesn't like playing with the Tauriel doll.

"Tilda?" I hear Tauriel call my name. "Tilda, where's Sigrid?" I point to the door. Sigrid locked herself in last night and Bain and I had to sleep by the fire. She hasn't left or eaten yet. Tauriel almost had to drag Sigrid out by the scruff of her neck like a kitten.

"But Tauriel!" Sigrid complained "I don't want to!" She dropped to the ground suddenly screaming like she did two days ago.

"The Healer and his assistant can cure that." Tauriel pointed out, as Sigrid calmed down. I lean over the staircase rail rebuilt from tree branches still in bloom. 

"Can I plllleeeeaaaasssseeee come!" I beg, Tauriel shakes her head anyways. I decide to sneak after them, and practice my elf skills. The path Tauriel and Sigrid follow is messy and woody, I almost fall several times. Finally Tauriel and Sigrid enter a colorful fortune teller tent made of orange, red, cyan,and magenta silk. 

There's no way I can follow them in, and I trudge home...Mission failed.

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