Chapter Six.

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Walking into the dining hall, I paused in the doorway and looked over the tables of students. Dinner took priority over finding Reece and I decided on the way over I’d deal with Logan tomorrow.  As my eyes scanned the room, it was easy to tell who was what.

Hunters filled the space at the front of the room; we were normally the first ones in and the last to leave. Unlike those around us, we were all talking to each other and while an order of popularity did exist, for the most part we all got on. 

Slayers kept in smaller bunches, even on the long tables there was typically a chair left between groups which rarely went over three people. Trackers also stuck to their own groups, though they did have more social skills than the Slayers and by that I mean they filled all the seats.

“Yo Bunting! Over here!” A loud voice called out and looking for the culprit that had all eyes turning to me, one the final years stood on his chair and waved me over.

See, friendly.

An empty chair was on his left and the second I sat down, a can of coke and a plate of the dinner on offer are put in front of me.

Don’t remember ever being this friendly.

“Hey everyone.” I greet cautiously, getting freaked out by all the staring. These guys would have been here when I was so I don’t get this.

“I can’t believe you came back. You were out of school more than in it!” A girl gushes across of me. “Have you got he demon with you?”

“No, he was happy to stay asleep.”

“We’re meant to kill demons, what the fuck?” The guy next to her snaps, glaring at me. “Heard you hang out with vampires too. You a sell out?”

“If you knew anything, the master of an Apopyth controls it. There is no need to kill him unless you piss me off and then I might not be so, in control.”

He isn’t as old as the others around him; he probably came out ahead of his class so thinks he is king shit. Guys like that are usually the ones to die first. Idiot.

“Shut up Chris! So what have you been doing, you graduated at the start of last year right?” The girl asks again.

“Well surviving for the most part. I went home to my parents and that when my brother disappeared.” The whole table nods, sending looks of pity and sadness my way.

“Have you found his killers yet? We saw on the network Jordan Bunting was one of the missing!” Another girl pipes up.

“I don’t think…” Selene had lied about my brother making it to her pack. I had killed the only thing that said he had indeed gone that way. Maybe it’s best to keep everyone thinking like that. “I don’t think my leads are working out as good as I had hoped. “


We’re talking about my brother being dead and I get a ‘bummer’?

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