I wont marry aliya

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M: I don’t know what to do.. I’m helpless..

Nyo: (cries) why did they kill her manik.. Don’t leave that mohini.. From childhood she never showed love on ishita and nandu.. Hey Bhagvan why did u do to that small girl.. She don’t know anything.. She learnt how to smile recently, why did u take her?

She cries hugging him tightly..

M: what should I do now Ma?

Nyo: I will never forgive aliya.. Nandu never got anything in her life.. Atleast do justice to her..

Tell raman ji about this manik,

M: Noo Ma… They may forgive her,
she should get punishment..she did this all for me na, now everything will happen by me Only.. I will break my relation with her completely.. She should know what wrong she did!!
How can she kill her sister.. You know Angel is so good, I always wanted to be with her.. Her innocence and all, that touched me.. When ever she used to hug me, I used to feel the protection she needs from me.. But I couldn’t help her mom… How can she leave me and go..i’m missing her mom.. I dont know why, I fell like she’s everywhere around me.. I..

At that time they hear a crying sound.. They both look back.. It was mukti..

She listened to their conversation!!
She runs and hugs manik..

Mu: how can aliya do This bhai? Why did she kill Angel.. So sad for Angel.. I hate aliya bhai… She not at all good for u.. Don’t marry her bhai.. She killed Angel!!

She cries and hugs him tightly…

Nyo cries seeing them and hugs them Whole night she consoles both..,

Next day:

Early morning…
A car comes and stops near the gate…
A person gets down from the car and goes inside.. And knocks the door..

Nyo opens the door and gets happy seeing him… It was Raj malhotra..

Nyo: ji when did u come?

Raj: surprise.... Where is my son!!

At that time manik comes..

M : hello dad!! How r u??

Raj: hugs him.. I’m fine manik.. But what happen to u.. You look so dull

manik looks at nyo sadly…

M: just not feeling well.. Now I’m okay..

Raj gets a call and he leaves to office immediately

Manik calls aliya and tells her to meet..


Navya decided to spend this entire day with nandu so she dint went to office

Na: nandu!! Lets go to supermarket I need to buy so many items

N: (smiles) super market what’s that?

Na: Hahahah nandu.. I will show you come with me..

They go to the market

Nandu looks at all the items..

N: it’s so big..

Na: yes, will get many items here..

N: (smiles) nice!!

Navya does shopping, while nandu moves to the next rack and watches all the products.. She doesn’t understand but smiles looking all if it!!’

Suddenly she slips when she was about to fall, cabir holds her..

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