meet of aliya and nandu

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Aliya is shocked too see manik and Angel so close...she gets angry!!

A: manik who is she?? Can't she stay in limits.. How dare she hugs you..
(She pushes Swara)

Manik and mukti are shocked.. seeing aliya behaviour..

Mu: Angel!! (She runs to her) While nandu gets scared seeing her pushing..and hugs muku, with fear!!

M:aliya what are you doing??

A: that's what I'm asking.. What r u doing manik?? Who the hell is she??

M: aliya she's my friend.. How did u get hands to push her?? Look at her...she's innocent.. She has that childish Mind.. Can't u see that in her face?

A: she may have that childish mind but she's not a child manik..

She looks at nandu.. She goes near her and touches her hand soo tightly to hurt her...
"Hey you, if I see u with manik.. I will kill u.. Understand?? He is mine... And Why are you here?? Dont u have ur house?? Just get out from here...
Leave my manik.. Go!!just GO
(She shouts)

Nandu gets more scared and her eyes are filled with tears..

M: aliya?? Just be in ur limits.. How dare u hurt her.. U just get out from here right now..

Aliya is shocked..
A: manik..
M: aliya I said just go..

Aliya angrily looks at nandu and leaves crying..

Nyo watches her crying...
Nyo: (worried) aliya why r u crying??

A: (cries)aunty.. (She hugs her)😢😢😢😢😢(such a cry baby she is no)

AP: Kya hua aliya...why r u crying??

A: manik told me go out from this house..

Nyo: ?what
Al: because of that Angel.. She's trying to snatch my manik.. Send her out aunty.. I don't like her!!

Nyo: (laugh) haha Noo aliya.. . Don't think like that.. She don't know anything, her mind is not matured.. Just think positively.. she don't know this world.. She don't know what's good and what's bad.. She's only free with manik.. She needs us aliya.. And I'm thinking to arrange a tutor too...Don't take it wrongly!!
We need to be with her.. Just see her in positive way, you will like her, treat her like ur sister..

She smiles and leaves...

Aliya is shcoked too see Nyo support towards Angel...

She angrily goes out to her house and thinks about how MANIK scolded her.. She gets angry on nandu.. Nd thinks to send her out at any cost!!

Breakfast table:

Nyo, manik, nandu and muku sits for breakfast..

M: Angel.. What's ur favourite tiffin?
Nandu: idli!!
Nyo: (smiles) Angel u like idlis?? Thankgod  I prepared idlis.. Come have it..

All starts eating it.. Before eating she looks outside.. Mukti watches her looking outside

Mu: Angel, what r u searching for??
N: birds!! I always used to share my breakfast to my friends..

Mu: (starts laughing) hahaha Angel.. Soo sweet of u...

M: Angel.. U can share your breakfast with us..come on where is my share??

Nandu smiles and she gives her idli to manik..

Mu: then what about me??
Nandu smiles and gives it to her too.. muku gets happy and takes it from her..

Nyo stares at her lovingly...

Nyo: Angel u have such a loving heart.. U know sharing.. Thts Soo sweet!!

Come now have ur tiffin..

She started eating.. And looks at her happily!!

Nyo: manik, I'm arranging a tutor for Angel.. Talk with that lady once..
M: wow Ma dats amazing...

Nyo: but manik, once talk with aliya.. I think she has problem with Angel.. Just make her understand..

M: ?no need Ma.. Is she a kid?? Can't she understand... How dare she hurt Angel.. She's unnecessarily making things complicated.. I'm not liking that...

Mu: haa ma... Even I dint like aloua's behaviour..

Nyo: hmm.. But manik, don't hurt her... She came from Singapore alone because she missed u.. At that time when she saw Angel, I think she felt sad.. Talk to her once.. Make her understand!!

M: okay Ma!!!