"How are you?"

I repeated what I had said to Danny earlier,"Great. We got a serial killer, and I didn't die." He smiled half-heartedly, but gave me a serious glance. "I will admit I was a little bit scared, but that is all I'm going to say." He nodded and pulled me into a quick hug.

"Danny will take you home, I am going to book this bastard. But then I have to finish up some paperwork. I will be done by six."

"Steve, I don't have a place yet, remember? I just got here 3 hours ago."

"What are you talking about? Why do you need a place? You are staying with me, munchkin. There is nothing wrong with the McGarrett household."

Danny laughed,"I beg to differ."

We both ignore him and I continue the conversation. "I know that, Steven. But I don't think I am ready to go back there."

"Em, if that were true, you would never set a foot on the property again. Because you will never be ready, but you need to face it."

"Yeah, okay." I say reluctantly. He gets a huge grin on his face and kisses my forehead before he starts walking to a blue truck.

Over his shoulder, Steve shouts,"It's the silver one." I laughed and looked around. Danny was waving to me from the front seat of his silver Camaro.

"Nice ride." He chuckles and I sit in the passenger seat.

"Thanks. This is a rare day where I get to drive it myself, and have a McGarrett in the passenger seat. I'm blown away." I laugh, him joining as he finished his sentence.

We talked and laughed the entire way to the house, but I grew silent as we entered the driveway. Danny looked at me as soon as the car stopped.

"Are you okay, Emily?" 

"No. The last time I was here was ages ago. I think it was for Christmas, the year before my father died. We all came together, Steven, Mary and I." Chuckling, I continue, "I can remember my Dad saying how happy he was that we were all together. The years before that, it seemed one of us would always be missing." I look over at Danny. "Maybe my Dad knew. Some how, he knew it was going to be our last Christmas together. It was still the best one I've had in years."

He nodded,"When your father died, I was here, I was assigned the case. Your stubborn brother broke into the crime scene and tried to take this toolbox from the garage. The same day, your brother and I became partners, and he got me shot." I laughed at this and he looked at me, astonished. "You are like him, you both think that my pain is hysterical." I laugh more at this statement.

"He's gotten me shot before too." His eyes widened.

"Where?" I pulled the police jacket down a little bit, showing him the scar on my shoulder. He just gawked at it and pulled his shirt down to show me his shoulder, displaying a scar quite like mine. I started laughing, him joining rather quickly. 

As our laughter died down, I looked back at the house, remembering what I had to do. I had to face my fears sooner, rather than later. With one look at my face, Danny got out of the vehicle. "What are you doing?"

"You look like you are about to make a run for it, so I am going to help you through it. Whether it be just walking you to the door, or all the way to the bedroom, you can't do it alone." I smiled and our footsteps became in synch as we walked down the pathway to the door. 

The McGarrett SisterWhere stories live. Discover now