Untitled Part 1

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Should Spirituality and Science argue about the Truth? Or both of the major fields must go along together in the pursuit of knowledge?

This book attempts to unify Science and the Spirituality of Christians. The title is a portmanteau of "Bible" and "Biology" – an interpretation of Holy Bible King James Version in a scientific perspective.

The Holy BIOble has five main arguments divided into three books:

Book One: The Divine Cosmic Evolution - argues that God did not directly create the universe including humans in six days, but let it actually evolve in an enormous amount of time. The six days were just representations used in the Holy Bible to emphasize that God's timeline is different from ours. This claim can be supported by Pope Francis' statements in a meeting of the Vatican's Pontifical Academy for Sciences: 'The Big Bang, which today we hold to be the origin of the world, does not contradict the intervention of the Divine Creator but, rather, requires it.'

But he also said that Christians should reject the idea that world came into being by chance and that evolution was all part of God's plan.

The development of each creature's characteristics over millennia 'does not contrast with the notion of creation because evolution presupposes the creation of beings that evolve,' he said. Also, he said that when we read the Book of Genesis, we imagine that God is 'a wizard with a magic wand' capable of doing all things, he said. 'But it is not so. He created life and let each creature develop according to the natural laws which he had given each one.' (Read at http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2809915/The-Big-Bang-evolution-real-carried-God-says-Pope-embraces-modern-science.html#ixzz4POcdgRQP).

This means that God had set the Laws of Sciences and let the universe and everything in it evolve according to these laws. Accordingly, in the Bible, creation statements begin with the phrase let there be, and ends with He created them. This is an indirect creation. He created the Laws of the universe and let everything evolve.

Another argument in this book is that "the universe was created in six days" could mean millions of years. And six days were used to represent God's timeline – this claim can be supported by Einstein's General Theory of Relativity which states that we measure different time in different regions of space, as time and space are intertwined into what Scientists call space-time.

Book II argues that Adam and Eve were our real ancestors but were not Homo sapiens yet. They are a different species of our genus.

Book III argues what are the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge. It argues their existence and truth, and what kind of species these trees are.

Each book contains two parts: the first one is the Scientific Interpretation, followed by the Spirituality and Science – a philosophical implication of science.

So, readers, let there be light in your minds!

The Holy Bioble

Untold Testament:


The First Book of Interpretation:

The Divine Cosmic Evolution

Mike Oliver O. Gimao

Scientific Interpretation

This portion of the book is dedicated for the scientific interpretation of the Holy Bible Genesis Chapter One King James Version.

The Holy BIO-ble Untold Testament Biogenesisحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن