"Greyson I'm so sorry I should have told you last night I just... I was so happy and I could see you were too. And Zach told me he would find her." I says as more tears fall.

"Shhh. It's all going to be okay. When Jayden gets home I'll get him to track her phone." He says reassuring.

"Did someone say my name?" We hear Jayden shout from down stairs.

"Jayden! I need you to do something for me." Greyson says as Jayden starts coming up the stairs.

"Anything for my brother." He says literally glowing.

" I need you to track Summer's phone." He says seriously.

"And brother what makes you think I am capable of such thing?" Jayden asks looking around.

"Jay don't play dumb with me I know you're a fucking champion at hacking." Grey says without blinking.

"I can never hide things from you." Jayden says under his breath.

"And don't think you'll get away with what ever you got up to last night without telling me." Greyson finishes as we follow Jay into his room.

"Oh brother that goes for you too." Jay says mentioning between me and Grey.

Jayden gets straight to business tracking Summer's phone.

"Her phone's turned off." Jayden states.

"So there's no luck?" I ask.

"No there's plan B. I'm a protective brother, I added a chip to her phone a few days ago." He says matter of factly. I never knew Jayden was into any of this hacking stuff but it kind of makes sense now.

I decide to send Zach a text so he stops running around like a headless chook while we are over here with an almost lead on SUmmer's whereabouts.

Ariel: Zach just letting you know we are tracking Summer's phone as we speak so unless you know where she is already I suggest you come home so we can put a plan together.

Zach: I owe you thank you so much I'll be home ASAP.

He clearly had no idea what he was doing I glad that the twins have somewhat of a brain between the two of them.

"Zach will be home soon, please can you guys not lash out at hi he had nothing to do with it, Summer could be dead on the spot if Zach didn't listen." I say to the twins looking between them.

"Fine." They both say.

"But that doesn't mean I won't whoop his ass when Summer is home safely." Greyson finishes.

"As long as Summer is home safe I have no problem." I reply smiling at him.

"Okay I can't stand it anymore, what's happening here?" Jay asks.

"Just find Summer." Grey says to his brother.

"Yeah I am but it doesn't happen at the click of a button, her phone is off so it takes a lot longer. And in that time you can both explain." He say gesturing to the couch on the far wall for me and Greyson to sit at.

"I don't know what you want to hear Jay." Greyson answers.

"Please Greyson, lets not act dumb, you guys weren't very good at hiding it the first time around but this time it's almost as if you aren't hiding it at all. And yes brother I knew about the first time so don't try save yourself. Jayden dishes out.

"I have feelings for Ariel okay. Is that what you want to hear?" Grey almost shouts walking out. I think it's sort of a soft topic for him at the moment because what I told him last night.

"I'm sorry about him, it has just been... well... tough." I explain.

"Trust me I know how he felt when you well yeah." He's talking about when I cheated on Greyson.

"I'll never forgive myself for that." I explain to Jayden.

"He forgave you." He tells me.

"He shouldn't" I say and just as I say it Jayden's computer starts to beep.

"Did you find her?" Greyson asks rushing in.

"Yeah I've found her." Jayden says slowly.

"But what Jayden why do you look worried?" I ask.

"It's in a highly guarded gated community." Jayden sighs, "There is almost no way of getting in there without owning a house."

"Well we will buy a house in there then we have the money." Greyson says in a duh tone.

"Grey that will take at least a few months, we need to get inside tonight if possible." Jay explains.

Jayden starts typing away on his computer and brings up a list of people who live in the gated community seeing if we can befriend one of them anytime soon.

"I have a plan but you may not like it." Zach says walking in.

"How long have you been there?" I ask.

"Long enough." Zach replies.

"Care to elaborate on this great plan of yours?" Jayden asks.


"Nope not happening." Greyson says as soon as Zach finishes explaining the plan.

"Come on Greyson it's actually a good plan." Jay whines.

"No I don't like it, I won't let that happen." Grey protests.

"Lets do it." I step forward.

"What? No I will not let you do that." Greyson says once again.

"Greyson I don't think we have much choice." I tell him.

"I will not let you expose your body to dirty old men!" He shouts.

"Yeah well I don't know about you, but I want my best friend back!" I shout in his face before leaving the room and into Summer's room.

Zach's plan is quite genius really, a bunch of the residence of the gated community attend 'boys night' at the local strip club. We presume that they hirer out one of the private rooms as they can afford it but if not the plan will go along the same.

All I have to do is get the attention of one of the men, enough attention that he wants to have some "Alone time" it is then that I suggest we go back to his house but in my own personal limo that I save for my favourite clients. In the limo will be the three guys but only one will be able to be seen (Who ever drives) and basically that's how we get in, mr rich old man will tell the guards to open the gate and we are in. honestly I think we can pull it off.

I'm so sorry for how long it's taken to update each time I go to write more something else happens in my life that requires my time you guys have been so patient and I thank you for that x

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