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Authors Note: Hello readers! As you will notice there are song titles and artists before certain sections of the book. These are optional to listen to either before or during the reading (the song may be too long for the section). They were my inspiration for that particular section. Either that or I feel that they would set the mood well for that section. Anyhow, enjoy!

(Chapter art credit goes to suppacchi on Instagram)

Dear Diary,
They said writing in you would help me come to terms with my psychosis... or whatever. They told me that if I wrote what happened I could start to understand what was real and what wasn't. So here's me trying.

I woke up... and none of it was real.

It's a strange feeling. You know when those people rip table cloths from under the settings and all but one thing remain intact? That one thing that falls to the ground and shatters, that was me. And you'd think it would be okay because I was on Earth now, and it was good to be on Earth because I missed my family. But it wasn't.

See, because the moment I hit the terrestrial plane, the second I woke up with my back cramped against the cold concrete floor, I didn't know what was real.

It was all made up.

It had all happened within the confines of my imagination.

Hunk is a friendly nurse. He gives me my meds.

Shiro is my doctor. His arm isn't Galra tech, it's prosthetic, and I gave him that scar across his nose.

Keith is a fellow patient. A dick, if you ask me.

Pidge was the sibling of another patient, Matt, who sometimes stopped by to bother me.

And my family visited. Sometimes often, sometimes....

Happy Pills ~Weathers
Lance's eyes snapped open to the cold white walls and bright lights the surrounded him. This all too clearly read hospital. Given that he was not hooked up to an IV or anything, probably mental.

He stood up. This was probably another of Keith's elaborate pranks.

Wait. No.

He was the one who did the pranks.

Well, the team was doing a great job getting him back.

"Haha! Very funny guys. Jigs up." He paced around his cell with his hands in the air.

"Guys! I laughed, you can let me out now." He then averted his gaze towards the floor and stroked his chin. "I didn't even know the castle could do this." His eyes searched his cell.

He found a small window and peeked through it. The hallways looked like that of a normal hospital. And there was Shiro! Dressed like a doctor?

He pounded on the door. "Shiro! Shiro!" Lance said excitedly.

Shiro motioned him to back up and then opened the door, stepping into the room with Lance and closing it again.

"Ah good. It seems you're up." He took down a few notes on his clipboard. "And remember to call me Dr. Shiro, okay? I don't want any of the other patients getting any ideas."

Lance ignored most of what he'd said. He couldn't find it in him to care. "The pranks funny. Can you let me out now?"

Shiro's eyes widened and he shook his head. "Oh, Lance, no. You went into a very long period of severe psychosis. You'll have to stay here for a while."

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