Chapter 11: Teaming Up

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      The four friends arrived at Raven's office. They knocked on the door three times.
   "Raven?" They asked, peering though the cracks that had light pouring through.
   "Come in who every you are." A voice replied. The door opened and the four of them stood there.
   "Oh you guys, and Reli." Raven said, sounding somewhat depressed and stared at them in a mournful way.
   "We came here to receive more information." Logan ordered, not wanting any other option with a stern and set face.
   "Hmmm. Why? What? When? And most importantly how?" Raven sneered, dropping his depressed face and immediately glared at them. Information in the colonies were restricted to the minimum.
   "It's a long story. We know three of the colonies' names. And we think that there is some kind of war between them." Said Eleanor, all matter of factly.
"Is that so? Name them then." Raven said. Reli and Tyle glanced at each other and said together, "Nefarious, Enigmatic and Lucent are the three that we know." Raven looked worried. His brows creased together forming two straight lines like still waves.
"You are correct, therefore you should know is what you are thinking am I right?" He said.
  "Yes." The four of them replied, "we would definitely like to know and would like to help you in anyway we can."
"Last time when I had a meeting with Logan, I assume as your leader or something, I told him parts of what happened. Earth to NELB. Then in NELB colonies. To explain even more, there are two sides. Nefarious and Enigmatic are together and Lucent and Benefatiant are together. Benefatiant which us the fourth colony. Each colony has a leader, a Head which our Zones have too. Each colony has an Elder circle, which you know already I assume. An Elder  Circle is what the colony has to keep alive." Raven explained. He paused a bit and then continued, "each Elder Circle needs something to keep it alive, if the Elder Circle is destroyed or stolen, it can no longer protect the colony. The Heads do this by forming a way to spurt us. We have Zones. Each Zone has an object in which to power the Elder Circle. Our colony, Lucent, has teamed up with Benefatiant and our Elder Circle is hidden." He finished.
The other four slowly consumed the information into their heads.
  "But you said 'our' which means that you are in Lucent. So you're ending up teaming with Lucent and Benefatiant which is good isn't it?" Logan 
"Ah yes. That's the problem you see. I have agreed to team with Lucent and Benefatiant but the other team does not. They are hunting us down. The only clues they have is we are in Lucent, we are in Zone three and that we have recruited you guys." Raven 
"You have?" Questioned Eleanor.
"Yes I have. And I indeed have a mission for you guys. More like a favour." He continued.
"What is it?" Asked Tyle.
"We need to move to a safe sanctuary, maybe another Zone because another colony would be too far." Raven started to form a plan. He put his hand on the table and said, "We'll move next week, it's then or never really."
"But brother, isn't it too early?" Reli said.
"No. They have more people than us the Neutrals." Raven objected his sister. His sister fell silent and quietly nodded.
"So do we pack our stuff and get ready next week?" Tyle asked just to make sure.
"Yes." Raven replied. He turned around in his chair to make an announcement in his microphone, "ANNOUNCING ALL SOLDIERS AND GUARDS. PREPARE TO MEET ME IN THE HALL AT EXACTLY THIS TIME NEXT WEEK." Turning back to the teenagers, Raven said, "Good, now that's sorted, you can start preparing and yeah. Meet you at the hall next week. For now, I don't want to see any of you."
Logan and his fellow friends nodded and walked out the door.
"You know that was creepy!" Eleanor whispered to her friends.
"I know right! We still have to meet him next week." Reli said, "my brother can be ordered when he wants, he can be relaxed when he wants as well."
Each of the Team, as they call themselves, walked in opposite directions to their own room. Logan lied across the floor, his eyes staring at the dark blue painted ceiling. It looks so peaceful and dark, he thought. Logan wished that his life was that, not swimming around trying to bring back the people who are enslaved. He needed to stop worrying about a war happening.  The door was knocked on three times.
"Come in!" He called. Tyle and Reli were standing together, arm in arm.
"What the..." He nearly said out loud.
"Hey Logan!" They said to him, smiling.
"Um hi! What are you guys doing here?" Logan asked, his eyebrows shot up to the top of his head like a dart.
"We just wanted to say hi, that we are going to leave earlier." Tyle explained.
"Actually, we didn't want to team up with my brother Raven because we don't trust him. He used to work with Nefarious and Enigmatic." Reli interrupted gesturing by using her hands. Logan thought for a while.
"Really?! Then what plan do you guys have?" Asked Logan, hoping they do have an actual plan.
"Lets go get Eleanor first, then we'll tell all of you the plan. I don't think Eleanor likes me or Raven." Reli added as they headed out the door. They knocked on Eleanor's door twice, to greet a messy haired Eleanor.
"Oh hello! Is it next week all ready?" She asked.
"No El, Reli, Logan and I don't trust Raven, I don't think you do either, so we are deciding to leave earlier, like tomorrow night and abandon them." Tyle said.
"Not that I do, but why can't we trust Raven?" Questioned Eleanor.
"Raven used to work with Nefarious and Enigmatic." Logan quickly explained to Eleanor.
"Oh right, and Nefarious and Enigmatic are the evil side am I right?" Eleanor concluded.
"Yeah. We are going to leave tomorrow 8 am sharp." Tyle quickly suggested a plan.
"Sure. Where will we meet? My room?" Agreed Logan. Everyone else silently nodded and then returned to their rooms. Eleanor sat at the end of her casket. Reli! That annoying smart ass Reli! She thought. Eleanor had a grown
Distaste for Reli, since Tyle started to be 'just' friends with her. Eleanor had always liked Tyle, his bubbly personality, his short temper and the way he solved problems, always thinking it through. Eleanor rose from her casket to begin packing for tomorrow morning. Chucking remaining clothing, grabbing some from the closet in her room, and any other appliances. Tomorrow morning. Tomorrow morning the big day.

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