Chapter 6: Your Side

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Cherelson? This is Logan's first time hearing, well seeing Eleanor's last name. His own was Hunterman.
"Yes Sir, I don't think you would've known." The Being spoke for the first time with a soft and melodious voice.
   Logan looked up at the Being. "Your name madam?" He asked politely trying to copy her tone but made it worse by adding a lopsided grin.
"Reli" she replied without hesitating, but waiting for him to continue.
"Hi Reli, Look, I have a lot of swaggin' questions here, one, why is my friend and exhibit and two, what the swaggin' world is going on!" He cried at Reli, removing is tone of comfort, unlike before.
   There was a pause for a moment.
"Why don't you follow me, you can see for yourself."
"See what? All I want is to see my friends not something else" he continued to scream, trying his hardest to pull open the door. Reli tugged him and dragged him across the floor to a door that said 'Neutral officer' and opened the door for him.
   Logan groaned and his eyes sagged, barely seeing anything in his way. All he could think about was Tyle and Eleanor. Who are these people? Where are his friends?
"Hello, you must be Logan Hunterman. We have been waiting for you to come for quite a time." The guy behind the desk stood up, "I know you must be very confused about here, and who we are," he continued to talk, "But now I can give you answers. Real answers. Now if you can kindly sit down here," he said patting on a seat in front of him, "Then I can tell you."
   Logan reluctantly took his seat.
"Well, what is it?" He asked the guy while the guy waved for Reli to leave.
"I shall leave you two," Reli headed towards the door and slowly closed the door behind her with a clink.
"Now to business." The guy said, "I am Raven, a lost Elder, and the Head of Neutral. We, can transform into sea animals from the Rise as you guys call it. In fact the secret of us is unknown to people who aren't here. That is, the others of Zone 3 and the other Elders, or should I say, Elder," Raven said, "that was my sister Reli , she doesn't know me, we were abandoned and I formed this." He finished his long explanation.
"What is this? And Reli is your sister? What have you done to my friends?" Logan bombarded Raven with questions while ignoring his explanation.
"Slow down child, I will explain it to you from the start tomorrow, now you need to rest. I will tell you one thing. We are on your side." Raven left the room, leaving only Logan there standing like an idiot.
   He didn't know what to do so he decided to check on Eleanor. Down the corridor, the other Beings stared at him, and the most one did was to give him a nod and a small wave. Logan pushed the door open and saw Eleanor sitting down on a chair in the corner of the room. Her face pale was like paper, but her lips remained rosy red.
"Hey El!"Logan said, walking towards her. Eleanor stared at him blankly and quickly recovered herself.
"Oh hi!" She said. There was once more an awkward pause.
"You know where we are? Who are these people?" Eleanor burst out after the silence wiping away the tears from her eyes.
"All I know is that we are safe, can you get up? I want to try and find Tyle." He said scratching his forehead.
"Come on," Eleanor slowly got up and followed Logan down the corridor.
"Do you even know where we are going?" She asked, tugging her pig tails.
"Dunno, but just search a sign that says Tyle, hey there it is!" Said Logan pointing to a sign that said: Exhibit 2: Tyle Cupola.
"Tyle Cupola. I have always liked that surname" said Eleanor sighing. They took a deep breath and opened the door. No one was there. "Tyle?" Logan searched frantically. "Tyle where are you?" He thought that Tyle was just playing a swaggin' fish trick on him but he really wasn't there. Eleanor's face immediately turned full with worry. "Oh! Where is he?" She squeezed her eyes. The room was really empty. The clock on the wall hanging showed 3:06 am. "It's morning?" Logan said, "no wonder I feel tired." Eleanor returned back to her room, and then said sweet dreams and fell asleep on her bed. Logan headed back to his own room and soon fell asleep. His dreams then woke him up:
Nefarious was gaining up power. Their Elder Circle glowed brighter than the others. 'Head Steph is evil' posters said around Nefarious and Enigmatic. Benefatiant and Lucent struggled and hid their Elder Circles. Their source of power. "We declare war! We declare war on Benefatiant and Lucent. They are the evil, we are the mighty" Nefarious' Head screamed in the microphone. "No more light! No more love! No more peace!" He continued. "Earth has destroyed us all. The colonies have also destroyed us. It is time to have a new leader. A leading colony. A colony of all!" He screamed. "What do you mean 'A leading colony,' I thought we were in it too, you wouldn't have done it without us." Said an irritated Enigmatic Head of Colony.
All the racket woke Logan up. "Argh!" He shouted. He was panting in his case. He pushed the case top off and went to Raven's office. "I think I know now. I know what all this is." He said seriously to Raven. "Now, you have come early and I have not called you yet." Raven said, hesitating on the word Called. "But I am here and I want some answers!" Logan said forcefully. "I thought you just said you already have some answers." Raven said mockingly. Logan didn't reply as he knew he was beaten. "But I do have answers," Raven continued. "Listen to me buddy, you will need these, just listen and don't interrupt." "Yes sir!" Logan pretended to salute. Ignoring the fake salute, Raven started to explain, "Once upon a time, we lived on a planet called Earth. But now we do not. We live on NELB which you should already know. We live in colonies. Each colony has, what you call it, a way to sort or group these people." He paused for a bit then continued. "Our colony sorted us in Zones. There are three other colonies which I---'m forbidden to tell. But yeah that's about it." He finished. "That's it!? What about you? You are in Zone 3 aren't you? Why aren't you saying so?" Logan shouted. "I haven't told you EVERYTHING yet. We, the Neutral, are neutral by the name. We aren't in any colony or Zone or whatever full heartily. We just happen to be in this Zone. I've already told you, I am a Neutral." Raven said. No one said anything for a while. Until Logan interrupted, "How can you, you know..." "...Transform? Well we were trained, oh it was a long story. You would know soon when the time comes. " Raven finished Logan off. "Now buddy, why don't you check on your friends? The rest of us Neutrals would give you food in your compartments." "Where is my friend Tyle then, huh! Tell me where is he!" Logan cried.

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