Chapter: Seventeen

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"So, when do you think you'll be comfortable going back to school hun?" Laura asks me as I sit down with her in the living room to talk about my situation. Last night when we came home I explained to her about everything that happened and she sat with me until I was gathered myself together. Suffice to say, she's been a great help since she's found out about everything that's happened to me. She's been here for me since she knows my mom can't. Last night my mom checked herself into a rehab centre for women who were alcoholics and have been abused. The only bad thing is that its over two hours away from here but I'm just glad she's starting on the road to getting her life back together.

"I think I'll go back in a day or so once Ashley seems settled in, if that's alright with you?" I say hurriedly and Laura's eyebrows shoot up in surprise.

"You want to go back so soon?" She questions and I nod my head.

'I've done this before. Things like this, never as bad though, have happened before and I went to school the next day, as long as there was no evidence of what had happened that I couldn't cover up. And I can't miss too much school. In a few weeks, I'll need to apply to universities and I need to keep my grades up to hopefully get a scholarship. I just need to get back to normal." I say and she nods.

"Well just know I'm going to support you with whatever you do. I want you and your sister to get better. I want you two to be happy because that's all you deserve." She says and rubs my knee affectionately. I nod and smile in thanks.

"I just want to say thank you for everything you've done for my sister and I so far. You truly have treated me with so much kindness, I just don't know how I can ever repay you." I say and she smiles widely.

"You can repay me by being happy." She says and I smile. "So, I talked to Chloe's parents yesterday." She says and I glance up at her in surprise that she already talked to them about it. "They say they are happy to accept you and your sister with open arms whenever you're ready to move in with them." Laura says and my eyes widen. "I'm not kicking you out of our home if that's what you think but I want you to know you have options." She says and I nod.

"Thank you. I'm not sure when we're going to be ready." I say and she nods. "Maybe when it's the Christmas holidays in a couple of weeks?" I ask Laura and she nods smiling.

"Of course, whatever you would like. Just remember you're always welcome here." She says and I smile again.

"Thank you."

"No problem sweetie. Have you taken your pills yet?" She asks and I shake my head. "They're on the counter by the sink." She says and I nod. "Is there anything else you need?" She asks and I shake my head.

"No thank you." I say before standing up. "I'm gonna take my pills and head up to bed." I say and Laura nods. I stand up before slowly making my way to the kitchen. I was finally getting slightly used to their home with how big it was. When I do finally make it to the kitchen I find Alex sitting at the island with his head in his heads. He's snoring lightly but as soon as I move towards the counter he jerks awake. "Hey, sorry for waking you." I say slightly timidly.

"Don't worry about it Scar." He says as he rubs at his eyes. My heart flutters at the nickname and I smile at him. I move towards the pill bottle when I realize it's gonna be hard to open it while my left arm is in a sling and my right hand is in a cast. Alex glances from me to the pill bottle before realization shows on his face. "Let me get that for you." He says and I nod looking down at the floor embarrassed that I can't even grab the pill bottle.

He brushes past me and the warmth from his body spreads through me as his chest casually grazes my back. He turns back to me and holds out the pills I need. I tilt my head back and he pops them in as I dry swallow them. "Thanks. I'll be able to do that on my own thankfully in two days once I can take this stupid sling off." I say gesturing to my sling and Alex nods.

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