Chapter: Eight

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*Above is a picture of Gilles Marini who I imagine playing the character of Scarlett's real dad, Daniel Martinez.*


"So how was school today?" Donna asks Ashley as she takes our orders and sits across from me in the back-corner booth at the diner. I just finished a shift and Ashley didn't want to be at home tonight, so we're both eating dinner here.

"Oh, school was just peachy. A boy tried to hit on me and I told him to shove it where the sun doesn't shine." She grumbles and Donna and I burst into laughter. Ashley's face goes red and she turns away from us in embarrassment. She honestly has the best reactions to boys flirting with her. At some point. she'll realize that boys aren't just the dumbass boys she grew up going to school with but guys that can be sweet and caring.

The bell above the door chimes and all three of us glance up to find Alex walking into the restaurant. He glances around and when his gaze finds mine he walks over towards our table. Donna looks at me raising her eyebrows suggestively and Ashley smirks at me. I glare at both just before he comes over. He motions for me to slide over so I pick up the violin case sitting on the seat beside me and set it on the ground carefully. "Hey Ashley, it's good to see you again. Is this the famous Donna?" He asks smiling warmly at my third favourite human being on earth.

She smiles at him before looking to me. "You've got yourself quite the charmer." She says winking and my cheeks flush red in embarrassment. Alex glances over at me smiling.

"So, was that a violin case?" He asks me and I nod my head.

"Oh, my god, Alex! You should hear her play, she's amazing." Ashley exclaims and Alex turns to me with his eyebrows raised.

"That's why you want to go to Julliard, not for guitar but for violin." He says. It's not a question but a statement. I nod my head smiling shyly.

"Yeah, I've been playing violin since I was five. My dad... he was the one who taught me to play." I say stuttering slightly when I mention my father. I push back the tears and swallow the lump in my throat.

"I'm sure he taught you well." He says smiling warmly and I nod my head unable to respond. Donna looks between the two of us with a mischievous smile spread across her lips. She turns to Ashley and whispers something in her ear before Ashley squeals and nods her head smiling. I look questioningly between the two.

"Scarlett, you should play some time in the diner." She says and I shake my head.

"I'm not sure about that." I say unsure.

"Oh, come on! It'll be great practice to play in front of an audience. You're amazing, everyone is gonna love you and I could sing along with you." Ashley says and Donna nods in agreement. They both look at me with pleading eyes before finally I sigh and give in.

I hold up my hands in defeat. "Okay, fine. But promise me this." I say and they both nod. "I get a free piece of your famous apple pie after." I say grinning and Donna laughs nodding.

"Okay it's a deal. You free to play this Friday night at 10:00pm?" She asks and I nod.

"Yeah because I have something better to do." I joke and she laughs before I turn to Alex who's smiling at me. "So not to be rude but, what exactly are you doing here?" I ask and his smile grows.

"I was looking for you. I was gonna ask if you wanted to come to my game on Friday. It'll be over before ten so you can still play here." He says smiling and I nod my head.

"Yeah I'll come." I say and he grins.

"Can I talk to you about something though?" He asks and I look over at Donna and Ashley intently watching us. He looks over at them too before glancing back down at me. "Outside?" He asks and I nod. He stands up before reaching out a hand. I slip my hand into his as he helps me out of the booth before we go outside, not before I catch the smirks on both Donna and Ashley's faces. He lets go of my hand outside and I slip my cold hands into my pockets as we sit down on a bench outside. He blows on his hands to keep them warm.

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