Chapter: Seven

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*Above is a picture of Maia Mitchell, who i imagine playing Ashley Martinez*


"Honest to god Nik, how could you be so rude to her?" Alex asks exasperatedly. Nikki glares at him with her hands clenched by her sides. I'm probably not supposed to hear any of this but I couldn't help but over hear when her locker was just a couple down from mine. I hide behind my locker door so neither of them can see me.

She scoffs. "You should've been here two years ago, when she acted like a complete bitch to me and Connor and all of our friends. She's not the girl you think she is. She's not the perfect girl you make her out to be." Nikki growls and I feel pain shoot through my body at her words. They hurt me in a way I didn't think they could, I knew I was terrible to her but could she not see that I was sorry for everything I did?

"Can you not understand that she was going through a rough time back then and was grieving for her dad? I know it doesn't make it okay but you can understand why she did whatever she did to you. She's so sorry about everything she did and the only way she can ever move truly on with her life is if you forgive her." Alex says and I can basically feel her scowl from where I'm standing.

"So, you're taking her side on this? The girl that you barely know over your own girlfriend?" She says and I can see her struggling to push back tears and I let my heart ache a little for her. I mean she's fighting with her boyfriend over her ex-best friend. That must suck.

Alex sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "It's not that I'm taking her side. I'm not taking anyone's side. I'm just saying that if you forgive her, you could both move on with your lives and forget this all happened." He says and I feel my heart beat rapidly in my chest as I wait for her answer. All I've ever wanted was for her to forgive me, even if we don't become friends again... I just need her forgiveness.

"Don't you think I want to forgive her? For fuck sakes, she was my best friend! I did everything with her and I do miss her but everything she said to me is so unforgivable. I'm sorry Alex but I can't do what you're asking of me." She says sighing and Alex nods his head. My gut feels like it's been sucker punched and my heart drops to my stomach. "I just don't understand how you can be friends with her after she's been such a bitch to me." She grumbles and that's when I think Alex loses it. He slams her locker door shut and clenches his hands into fists by his sides.

"That's it! I can't listen to you call her a bitch or an asshole anymore. I don't know what's gotten into you but you're not the girl that I fell in love with." He says lowly and Nikki's face has fear and shock written all over it.

"Alex I didn't mean-" She starts to say but he holds up a hand.

"Save your breath, I know you meant it. Oh and by the way, I know about you and Cole Churchill." He growls and turns away from her before stomping in my direction. I quickly redirect my attention to the books in my locker as he makes his way over to me. I can hear Nikki's cries but I do my best to ignore them. A large figure leans heavily against the locker beside mine and their breathing is laboured. I look up to see Alex looking down on me with a furious look in his eyes.

"Are you, um alright?" I ask and before I can comprehend what he's doing, I'm wrapped in his arms and he's burying his face in the crook of my shoulder. I freeze for a moment before slowly wrapping my arms around him. I breath in the smell of mint and fresh laundry and I sigh. I pull slightly away from him and look up at his face trying to determine what's going on in his mind right now, but he lets nothing show.

"C'mon, lets go." He murmurs, grabbing my hand and pulling me down the hallway barely giving me enough time to close my locker. Everyone around us stares at our joined hands and I try to loosen my grip to let go but Alex's becomes tighter and he refuses to let go. We reach his car and he slumps down inside it breathing heavily. He starts the car with no words and drives off silently. I sit back in my seat awkwardly as we make the drive to his house. When we get there, he opens the front door and ushers me again into his elegant home. "Would you like anything to eat?" He asks quietly and I shake my head. He nods and grabs a water bottle from the fridge before motioning for me to follow him up the stairs. When he reaches a door, and pushes it open I find him going into his bedroom. I hesitate to enter before saying screw it.

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