Chapter: Sixteen

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After Scarlet and Ashley had gotten their x-rays and CTs, Noah and I were forced to go wait downstairs in the waiting room as they spoke with the doctor and Social Services. My knee was bouncing up and down uncontrollably as we waited for them to come back out for us. I had called my mom and she was supposed to be here any minute now. The anxiety that had been building up in the pit of my stomach since Ashley called me last night is ten times worse now that I'm not at Scar's side.

Noah turns to me and sets his hand on my knee to stop my constant bouncing. "They're gonna be okay. Don't worry." He says to me and I nod my head even though I'm going to worry about Scarlett and even Ashley for a long time. Scarlett has become so important to me and just being away from her while I know she's safe, makes me anxious. I just want to know what's going on, I don't like being left in the dark about what's going on.

I look around the waiting room and suddenly the door slams open and a big, gruff looking guy with scratch marks all over his face storms into the room. He looks like he's in pretty rough shape. A woman who I vaguely recognize, scurries after him trying to pull him back.  I squint my eyes as I try to remember where I know her from. The man ignores her and stomps over to the front desk. "What room is Scarlet Martinez in?" He questions and his voice comes out in a low growl. It's then do I realize that this is the man who has abused Scarlett and her sister for over two years now.

"Excuse me, sir?" I say trying to contain my anger as I make my way over to him, my hands clenched into fists at my sides. The woman beside him, who is Scarlett's mother, eyes widen when she sees me and she immediately shakes her head at me frantically. Bruce spins around to me with a glare that could make anyone want to piss in their pants, but not me. I'm too pissed off at this guy to be afraid of him.

"What do you want?" He spits out as he takes a step towards me. I stand my ground and tilt my head up to glare at him.

"You need to leave." I say lowly. He blinks at me before he swings his arm back and backhands me across the face. I stumble backwards at this and almost everyone around me jumps into action. I hear someone call security while I hear my mom shout my name as I blurrily see her run through the doors. It takes a couple of security guards to take Bruce down but not after he sends one to the ground with blood pooling around her head. My mother jumps over to him as he's pinned to the ground and pulls out a pair of handcuffs. She clips them tightly around his wrists before jerking him upwards.

"What is this?" Bruce growls. "You can't arrest me for nothing." He says just as a woman from Social Services comes down the hallway to investigate the scene.

"I can arrest you for assault against that man there and my son over there." My mom grits out and the lady from Social Services nods.

"That and the domestic violence and abuse charges your step daughters are charging you with." She says as she crosses her arms over her chest as she glares at Bruce. I guess she has seen how badly Scar and Ash have been abused and has taken an instant disliking of the man. I don't blame her, I've never hated someone this much before. I can't imagine how Ashley and Scarlett feel towards him.

"Those bitches! All they ever did was cause fucking trouble, they deserved what came their way, especially the older one. She whored around with that kid right there" He spits out as he points at me. I take a step towards him but my mom shoots me a glare. "I'm glad I did what I did. They're both disgusting little brats." He growls and my mom jerks him forwards.

"You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in court, you have the right to talk to a lawyer and..." My mother starts to say as she leads Bruce out of the hospital. I turn back to the Social Services lady and she holds out a hand for me to shake.

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