1.1K 17 10

Hello and oh my gosh! Thank you all so much for 20K+ reads, 60+ followers, 500+ stars, and more on this series, my beautifully delightful Wattpad friends! I can't express how much this means to me! You all are so kind and wonderful, I love you all~!

The reason I'm posting this is because I am in the process of posting a special story for all my Wattpad friends in thanks for 20K reads. This specific story is only going to be posted onto Wattpad, lucky you! Ha ha!

It's a secret to who I'm putting you with  though, so you'll have to read to the end to know who the story's about! I'm not telling anyone the secret! Not a soul!

-two minutes pass-

Okay, okay! Man, you're a tough negotiator...

I won't tell you who it's about BUT I will give you a hint! The story is about a DRAGON type Pokemon I've not wrote about yet! I haven't gotten any requests for this one yet so I hope you'll like it. Also, it's quite a popular dragon type as well. If you think you know who it is please DO NOT COMMENT ON WHO YOU THINK IT IS! That comment could ruin the surprise for everyone, don't be that person!

-giggles- This is so much fun! Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy the story when it comes out.

Once again, thank you for everything and I hope you have a wonderful day, my munchkins!

-kisses your cheek and runs away blushing-

From Your Loyal Fanfic Writer,
StarFury ✨

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