Yandere! Incineroar x Male! Reader: Burn~

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(Description: I love writing Yandere stories~! They're awesome. This was requested by the lovely Wattpad user Silversoul71 so I recommend you go check them out! Onto the story...DUN DUN DUUUUN!)

Requester: Silversoul71


You panted as the forest of trees seemed to go on forever. "Come on, come on, come on...! AH!" you screamed as a large claw slashed out at you. The sharp claws nicked your arm skin, leaving three large cuts that furiously bleed. You yelped at the quick pain that followed as something behind you growled in annoyance. "Incineroar!" he barked behind you, continuing to hunt you down. You gasped for quick pants of air as you held your now injured arm. "Please...someone help me..." you quietly whispered, wiping small tears away that started to fall down your face.


You all must be wondering what the heck is happening and why are you being chased down by one of your most loyal Pokemon. Well, here's the story in short. You chose Litten as your first starter in Alola. You, just thinking it was a cute and harmless little Pokemon, asked for it's approval of being yours. He seemed more than pleased to go with you so that made things even easier for traveling. The two of you explored all of the Alola islands, making memories, it was everything you had hoped for when becoming a trainer. Litten evolved into a Torrocat, and final into an Incineroar which wowed you to no end. Incineroar was an extremely cocky Pokemon, very proud of it's image, which did intimidate you a bit but not so much that it bothered. He was completely different from when he was just a small Litten but it made it all the better for battles. It was all so exciting but as Litten grew you'd notice some strange things. He became more and more obsessed with you as time went on. He'd ward friends and family away and sometimes even use physical violence to "protect" you.

Until one day he just...snapped.

He just grabbed you by the arm and took you away from everything, hurting anyone who got in his way. Incineroar would call it "protection" but he literally just kidnaped you. You tried almost everything to get away, even resorting to trying to get him in his PokeBall once more, but nothing worked. Until you had the "brilliant" idea of running from him. So here we are now, seeing you running from an insane Incineroar while he tries to get you back into his dark grasp.


You soon quickly hid behind a large tree, not making a sound as your knees gave out on you. You saw from behind the thick bushes of leaves Incineroar stop when he didn't see you, sniff the air, and continue forward with a roar. You stiffly laid on the ground, petrified, as you quietly gasped for air. Holy shit, you just escaped. After you were sure he was gone you leaned your back against the nearby tree for support. Your wounds gaped and bled all at the same time but you didn't care, all you cared about was getting the hell out of this forest and away from him. With that thought in mind you quickly pulled out the cracked phone from your back pocket and prayed it still work. You knew you had such little time to work so you got busy.

Incineroar had taken the phone away from you but he only cracked it. After he cracked it, making it powered off, he leaned it against the cave wall to show you that there'd be no escape. You cried over the phone but it was all just an act. The problem was that it was always right in front of you, only a foot away, but he'd always be near so you could never grasp it in your hand once again. But when you ran it was free for the taking. "Let's do this...please work." you quietly pleaded into the phone. As you pressed the On button the phone lit up with a small ding. "Yes..!" you said with a weak smile as you punched in the password and soon opening the Message app. You gazed at the power bar, 12% left. 'Let's make this quick.' you told yourself. You feared that calling someone would be to loud so you started pushing on the letters to form small words. The forest was alive all around you and so many problems swarmed in your head. What if Incineroar came back? What if a wild Pokemon attacked, how could you defend yourself? You didn't even know if this place had cellular towers but you had one bar on your phone so you held onto that small hope. Right before you could send the message to everyone you knew a small noise in the bush in front of you made you jump and drop the phone.

'Oh god.' you thought as your quickly grasped the phone close to your body, shaking in fear. After the noise left you let out the breath you held with a quiet sigh. 'This is to risky, I need to get out of this forest first.' you though with a shaky nod as you grasped the tree for support and got up. You put the phone in your back pocket once more and started to walk.

As you took your first step forward your gaze quickly wavered and wobbled. 'No no no no...' you repeated on your mind as your strides lessened into a tiptoe-like movements. You soon collapsed once more onto the ground, breathing heavily and slow. 'What is happening?! Get up!' you told yourself but quietly cringed as your arm stung like the devil. You looked down toward your arm and saw the large gash. 'Why?! What?!' you thought as you looked for an answer, 'Did something bite me?!' Suddenly the lightbulb in your mind clicked on.


Incineroar knew Toxic.

And he transfers it...thru his claws.

Oh shit.

You struggled on the forest floor, trying to fight against the black that poured into your vision. Running out of time, you tried to get up, yell, move, do anything, but it all failed. Your vision started to get blurry as you heard footsteps fall behind you, walking closer and closer. "Help...me..." was the last thing you said before completely falling unconscious. But before you fell under you saw gray paws wrap around you.

Oh god no.

~ Incineroar's P.O.V ~

Finally. Chasing him was way to fun, I almost died laughing. I sheathed my claws back down as the deadly poison seeped from them, making me smirk. That was almost to easy. I can't believe that he forgot I knew Toxic, wow. I then wrapped my arms around his lifeless figure, placing him in a comfortable position. He always fit so nicely in my arms, like it was destine that he was to be in them. I smiled and brushed his soft (H/C) bangs from his closed eyes. Such soft skin, it was always delicious to touch and treasure. I purred and started walking back to the secret hiding place that we resided in.

"Let's burn away together, (Y/N)~ Until the end of time~" I said as I flung a small flame at the device that fell out of his back pocket and onto the ground, burning it to a crisp. "AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

~ The End ~

Pokemon x Reader Oneshots~!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ