Rayquaza x Reader: Our Home In The Stars~

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(Description: I'm sorry, I have to!
-le sigh- I was weak, I had an idea and I'm going through with it. Forgive me world. Anyways, hope you enjoy! Btw this was not a request, sorry! >~< Also, some weird sh** goes down in here, so yeah!)

You breathed a sigh of relief as you finally reached the top of the mountain. You stood up from your almost kneeling position and faced the other high mountains. The sun was just setting so the sky was a beautiful orangey, red. It took your breath away, well, what was left of it at the moment.

You sighed and smiled, though your smiled faded into a bored expression when you heard your climbing partner also near the top.

"So...many...steps...!" he wheezed out as he collapsed on the top step. You scoffed, "Come on, Adrian. Quit the act, get up." You hauled him to his feet and he lean against you, face on your chest. "Come on, (Y/N)! Take a joke!" he giggled out as his hand secretly raised up toward your chest area. You sighed and slapped him, leaving him to fall on the floor with shock.

You walked from the outside of the tall, stone building to the inside and gasped at what you saw. Many gold carvings were indented into the temple walls as the curled and swerved into many impossible designs.

You spun in a circle and giggled in awe. It was so beautiful, so well thought out, and it made you very happy. (I have no idea if Rayquaza has a temple or not but in this story he does. Also Rayquaza is a male in my story.)

You ran up to a near by wall and looked at the inscriptions. The cravings formed a large snake-like beast that appeared to be floating in mid air whilst human-like figures bowed to it. You frowned and moved to the next picture. It showed the creature looking guilty about something and bowing it's head to the group of stick figures. You held a questionable gaze but before you could look at the last carving the loud voice of your 'friend' echoed around the room. "God, (Y/N)! Let's just go." he shouted to you with boredom. You sighed in annoyance, "Fine, Adrian! We climbed up all this way for nothing! Alright!?" you spat at him. He grumbled and said that you two can say. You smirked and started looking around again.

~ about a one hour timeskip ~

By the time you were done looking around Adrian had fallen asleep, slumped against the wall. You scoffed at him, sat on the ground, and looked up at the ceiling. Instead of a stone ceiling it was open so you could see all of the stars and the moon, luckily it was a clear night.

You looked down at your hands with a smile. The night was always a close thing to you. All the stars and bright lights. Some people say that seeing the night sky makes them feel lonely but that wasn't the case for you. You felt like the center of attention whenever it was night time, like all the stars were looking down at you waiting to fan you with love.

You sighed and looked back up at the sky. You could clearly see the Milky Way system and all the constellations. It calmed you.

To soon enough, your peace was broken as you felt the ground shake. You froze and looked down. Your mind instantly went to the thought of an Earthquake so you hauled yourself up and quickly ran to Adrian's side, only to pushed him awake. As he hit the ground he groaned, "What the hell, (Y/N)?!" you started dragging him up and pushing him towards the exit. He was about the yell at you some more until he felt the Earthquake.

As soon as he felt it, he booked it towards the stairs and ran off, screaming. You fell to the ground but almost immediately leaned against your elbows. Adrian was already out of sight but you could still hear his screams for help. You gasped and tried to call him back but you cringed. You looked down at your left leg and flinched. Your left ankle was badly bruised and it bled heavily. You tried moving it but the pain was to much at the moment. You yelped and tried to crawl but it too wouldn't work.

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