Cilan x Ash's Older Sister! Reader: Formalities~

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(Description: Cool! This request was made by an awesome Wattpad user by the name of CodilynLunn so go check them out! Onto this lovely request! Oh also, the requester specifically asked if Reader could have a Shiny Eevee as a partner so there!)

Requester: CodilynLunn


You shakily giggled as another person gawked at you as you walked by. You're tennis shoes slapped against the hard side walk making you want to freeze in place. You heard many people whisper as you and your friends walked by, both of them extremely uncomfortable. "Hey, (Y/N)," Iris whispered to you, "aren't you even the slightest bit uncomfortable right now?!" "Oh, I'm terrified," you calmly stated, "but I can't do anything about it. Eevee doesn't like to be sent into her PokeBall so...I guess I'll just have to live with this." Iris sighed but quietly agreed as she went back to feeling weirded out. "You guys can walk ahead of me to escape the crowds, I won't mind." you said back to them. "No," Ash stated with defiance, "you're our friend, we'll stay beside you!" Pikachu agreed in his small voice, making you laughed.

"I'll trade you my Munchlax for that Shiny, miss!" a random stranger confidently said as he stepped at you from the crowd. "No, I'm good. Thank you for the offer though." "Miss, will you battle me?!" another asked. "No." you nervously said. "Let's run." you whispered to Ash and Iris as you grabbed Eevee and booked it down the road, all of you leaving the crowd behind in the dust.

~ Timeskip to the Striaton Gym ~

You shielded your eyes from the sun with your palm as you looked up at the gym in awe. "It says here that this is the Striaton Gym lead by the triplets Cress, Cilan, and Chili. Wow, neat, it also says that the brother's styles and Pokemon are based around the three main types, Water, Grass, and Fire!" Iris read off as Ash looked giddy as ever. "Woo! Let's go get my first gym badge!" Ash stated as he began to run for the open door. "Ah ah ah! Not so fast mister!" you said as you grabbed the back of his collar. "Ouch! Hey, what gives?!" Ash asked. "Do you even have all of the the three types that Iris said to battle them?" "No..." he grumbled. "Then you're not ready to battle them." you said as you dragged him off to the nearest PokeCenter. Iris sighed as she slumped foreword in place, "He's such a little kid." "Axew." Axew said in agreement.

~ After the PokeCenter ~

"Okay, now you're ready!" you chirped as Ash shakily stepped toward the large front doors. "Well? Go on!" you urgently said as you shoved Ash into the open doorway.

As Iris and you stepped around the fallen Ash you gazed at the beautiful interior of the building (this may not sound correct according to the anime but my memory from that season is a bit fuzzy). You all walked thru the doors and saw a wonderful room. The walls were a dark wood and the floors were a shiny quartz. "Wow!" you said as you spun in a circle. "Welcome, are you all trainers wanting to battle the Gym Leaders?" one servant asked as he stepped from behind the curtains. "Nope, just me!" Ash said with a smile, getting up from the floor. "Alright, I'll inform the masters right away." the man said as he turned and walked away. "Well that as interesting." you said. "Vee!" Eevee agreed with a head nod. "Well, now what? Do we just wait here?" Iris said as she gave a sassy knee pop. "I guess so." you said. "Aw man! I wanna fight 'em now!" Ash complained with a foot stomp. Iris sighed, "You're such a kid!" 'You're both a bunch of kids.' you said as they got into an argument, per usual. "Ehem." someone coughed out as Iris and Ash stopped fighting. "Thank you. Now, who's up first?" the servant cockily asked as he drew out a PokeBall.

~ Timeskip to meeting the three brothers, Cress, Cilan, and Chili! ~

"Ugggh! How many more of these guys?! I wanna fight the Gym Leaders!" Ash whined along with Pikachu. "We'll get there when we get there!" you said with a grunt.

After that the three of you walked thru an open curtain to see a large battle area. The walls were very beautiful and the floor was so shiny you could literally see your reflection. All of a sudden the lights dimmed, scaring you half to death. "Well, what do we have here? Not often do we get to see a shiny Pokemon!" someone said, clearly smirking. The three of you turned toward the voice and saw, under spotlight, three people. The one farthest left had red hair and a wild smirk. The one in the middle has a calming smile and monotone green eyes hat warmed your soul, he had green hair. And the one farthest right had blue hair and a stoic face that honestly looked unimpressed. "I'm Chili, and don't forget it!" the man with the red hair said with a finger snap. "Hello, I am Cilan. Pleased to meet you." the one in the middle said. "And I'm Cress, greetings." the one on the end said. "And we are," they all said together, "the Straition Gym leaders!"

Your sweat dropped as they all struck a pose. "Who will we be battling?" they asked. "Me! I'm Ash Ketchem, from Pallet Town!" Ash shouted with intense enthusiasm. "Pallet Town? It's that in Kanto?" Cilan asked. "Yeah!" Ash answered. "Well you've sure come a long way! Brothers, let's give this one an extra delightful battle that is savory and sweet to the tongue!" Cilan finished with a jump. 'Savory and sweet to the tongue-what?' you asked in your mind. "Alright, let the show begin!" they all shouted.

'Here we go.' you thought.

~ Timeskip to after the battle ~

Ash pouted as he sat on the ground, sulking about his defeat. "Hey Ash," you calmly said, "there's always next time!" "Yeah...I guess you're right!" Ash said as he sprung back up. He then ran out of the room, leaving no trace. You sighed and slowly walked up to the Grass type leader, Cilan. You tapped his shoulder and he turned to you, green eyes filled with wonder. "Thank you for battling him," you said, "he obviously needs more time to train." "It's completely fine Miss...?" "(Y/N)," you said with a shake of his hand, "(Y/N) (L/N)." "Well, Miss (L/N), it was a pleasure to meet someone as lovely as you." he said as he kneeled and gripped your hand, lightly kissing the back of it.

You blushed and pulled your hand back, "Oh please stop the formality, just calm me (Y/N), please." "Alright, Miss (Y/N)," he teased, "will I ever see you again?" "Probably when Ash comes back to battle." "I'll see you then, my lady." "And you as well, my lord." you said back with a small curtsy. "HEY, (Y/N)," Ash hollered, "ARE YOU COMING?!" "Yes! Goodbye, Cilan!" "Goodbye, (Y/N)." He quietly said as you quickly disappeared down the hall.

As you walked down the hall you kept thinking of how nice he was. Eevee soon purposefully brushed against you and purred. You blushed but still smiled.

"That boy and his formalities~" you said smiling.

~ The End ~

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