Human! Fem! Gengar x Shy! Fem! Reader: Pranks~!

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(Description: I love all of the Gengar Oneshot requests I have to do~! My cute little baby! Anyways, this request was made by a terrific Wattpad user who goes by ShadowWerewolf1015. Please, go show them some of your awesome love! Thank you and I hope you enjoy.)

Requester: ShadowWerewolf1015


"Are you ready for the finally? The one thing that'll make this prank top every other prank we've ever pulled?!" Gengar whispered as she placed her warm hand onto your shoulder.
"You know it, let's do this sweetheart!" you confirmed while you took a hold of the hand in your shoulder, not even bothering with your normal shy attitude. She smirked at you in the darkness and nodded in agreement as she began to sunk back into the walls for the last time tonight. You grinned and let out a comfortable sigh as you felt Gengar's sweet gaze on you, making you fell warm inside.

Earlier this day Gengar and you heard other Ghost Types talking about how these three teens were going to an abandoned home to see if it was inhabited by ghosts. Since you and Gengar have always loved playing tricks on people and Pokemon when you weren't in a shy mood, you thought it'd be the perfect opportunity to blow off some built up steam. It wasn't like this place didn't have a use, the home was once lived in by the living and the dead but now it was just...empty, perfect for playing tricks in. You and Gengar of course had to furiously battle to get the house to yourselves, but then again, almost no one battled for it, after all who'd be stupid enough to do that? Both Gengar and you have had the biggest egos anyone's ever seen and your threats were never empty. You two followed through with everything you'd say, never backing down once. Guess your personalities were things that brought you two together. Anyways, back to the good stuff.

Your grin widened as you peered behind the hall's wall, glancing at the three teens who were now backed into the top right corner of the room.

"What if that...thing comes back, Jacob?!" you heard one of the girls protest.
"Then I'll be here to stop it. So just chill out!" you softly giggled and lowered your hands to your plain blue shirt. As quietly as you could you began to rip holes into your shirt until you felt like there were finally enough for your act. You gave a nod to yourself and began to feel Gengar's eyes pierce you a bit rougher as she traveled through the walls of the house, signaling you to began your performance.

You took a deep breath and put on your best acting face and sprinted into the room. The three teens looked at you with shock as you ran out of the darkness and into the small light of the moon that spilled out from the window. You soon began to dramatically pant for air as you looked at them with wide eyes, making it seem like you'd been running for hours.

"Jacob! Ashely! Faith! Y-You're still alive!" you pretended.
"Us?! What about you, (Y/N)?! What happened?! After that thing drug you off awhile back in the girl's room we thought you were a goner!" Jacod retorted as he began to slowly walk towards you with open arms. You faked a gasp and stepped back from him. He lowered his arms with confusion as you began to speak.

"N-No! You c-can't! You have to get out of here! It's still in here! Go, run! I'll come out after you soon!" you shouted as you felt fake tears fall down your cheeks, making you almost smirk in delight. You heard Ashely gasp in fear as she began to vigorously shake her head.
"W-we can't leave you here with it! It'll...k-kill you! I mean, look what it's done to you already!" she sniffled in sadness. Your face began to form a fake angry look as you pretended to prepare to shout at her.

Though right after she said this you began to hear the muffled footsteps of Gengar as she walked down the hall you'd just come from. This was the signal you'd been waiting for, it was finally time to end this. You made sure no one was paying attention to you and lightly tapped your right foot on the ground, to signal that you heard she was coming. You knew no one else heard her or you during that and she quickly stopped before she did bring attention to herself. You smirked at her cleverness but began to shush everyone's voice to continue the play.

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