Captured PT 2

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Stile's POV

"Who the hell are you?" I asked my voice wavering in panic, the woman turned and when she was facing me and everyone else she smiled "I am Rosalinda" her smile was warming and kind. "Um who?" I turned and saw that Hallie had a confused look on her face. Right she never knew about Rosalinda and.... Eric's death.... And sudden back from the dead, I heard Rosalinda mutter "oh shit forgot she didn't know me" I heard the clinking of glass on marble and Rosalinda walked over to Hallie, "so just to make this way easier and so that your friends can explain later I am Rosalinda blah blah blah and your friends who aren't monsters or unique need your help to get the others out of this place called Solara research" the whole room went silent.

Hallie's POV

I was confused on what the hell this woman was talking about "what is Solara research?" the woman Rosalind had a somber look upon her face, "its a place where they test people with inhuman ability's and force them to do stuff almost to death..." she looked away as she said that. There was no way I was letting my friends, and Norah, get killed because of stupid research "where is this place?" I asked sounding a bit pissed.

-=- Meanwhile -=-

Meagan's POV

After I got those... Thoughts out of my mind I stood up and looked over to a mirror that was obliviously a two way mirror, I could barley see the faint silhouette of a guy writing stuff down on a clipboard. An idea popped into my mind as I focused on the guys head, soon I was seeing different memories that were not mine "come on come on I need- ahah!" after looking for my target I snapped out of my trance and a smirk formed upon my face "hey dude I have something to tell you" it was silent for a while but then a voice called over a speaker "what is it subject o5" his voice sounded annoyed. With the smirk still on my face I said loud and clear "your wife was right to leave you, so mean and well you were never the greatest father either" a door opened up beside the mirror and a pissed off looking guy stormed over to me while growling "you little bitch!" my smirk widened as he got closer.

Scott's POV

I watched as a guy in a white coat walk, no storm over to Meagan "shut the hell up you little skank!" the man yelled as he raised a hand ready to slap her. I was about to run and rip his throat out but Meagan jumped back and drew back her leg and sent it straight into..... You know where.

Meagan's POV

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" The mans scream was so loud that Scott and Eric were covering their ears 'right super werewolf hearing' I thought as the sounds of glass exploding could be heard from the room that the man stormed out of. I saw that Norah, Trent and Derek were in another room that was down a small hallway, I walked into through the door and down the hallway to see Derek on his knees ears covered while Norah and Trent had worried looks on their faces "Norah, Trent you guys alright?" I asked opening the door.

Trent's POV

Meagan opened the door to our little prison and asked if me and Norah were alright, a faint nod was Norah's response while I got up and ran over and hugged Meagan "thank god you saved us I hatted it here, I can't play clash royal!" I exclaimed throwing my hands in the air for emphasis of how bad it was. Meagan rolled her eyes as a black bur shot past us "Derek" Meagan muttered and I knew why he dashed past us, but there was still one problem.... How do we get out?

-=- Meanwhile... Again -=-

Allison's POV

So as I best as I could understand from how Rosalinda explained it was that there was two people who helped people escape the research place and they could help us "okay so we all ready?" I asked getting my bow ready, from behind I heard a click of Hallie's hunting rifle while Stiles got his bat ready.

Hallie's POV

We snuck up as close to the entrance Rosalinda suggested, but there were two guards but thankfully one walked away while the other was inputting the code to the door. I closed my eyes and focused on him 'okay remember Joe the code is 29716 don't forget it like all the other times' once the door opened Joe walked in letting it close behind him. Walking over to the door I watched the keypad light up "we don't know what the pass code is Hallie how are we supposed to enter?" Newt said with worry in his voice, a smirk worked its way on my face as I slid my gun onto my back and I began punching in the code. The door opened with a happy beep "alright lets go and get our friends and Norah back" I whisper shouted, we all filed in and let the door close 'I hope Meagan's alright...' my mind thought as we navigated through the quiet and empty hallways. My mind was also stuck to what Rosalinda said,

-=- FLASH BACK -=-

"If you guys don't get them out soon the head scientists will pretty much kill them from blood loss and use that blood to infuse himself with it and become something horrific!" Rosalinda exclaimed as we got ready.


No that will not happen on my watch, I will save them and hopefully kick some ass.

Secret of the wolfs and supernaturalحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن