The start of a new life adventure

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Norah's POV 

Once we got home Eric was still holding Derek's hand his face was really red, same thing with Meagan but she was in her own world now since the person she loves is with her and dating her "hey Eric so I think I should stay here down stairs with Stiles, Lydia and Alison since you and Derek are going to sleep together and I think its best that Trent is in your room" he nodded absent minded but he soon snapped out of his trace by his phone buzzing, his face had turned into one that was not happy but not angry either "and now we have a big problem and it's called 'school'" Meagan let out a groan of annoyance and so did Trent, Hallie looked exited to go to school which made no sense "wait why don't everyone join us? we can say there transfers and all that so they have something to do right?" I suggested and like it was planned Eric and Meagan pulled out folders with pictures of Stiles, Alison, Lydia, Derek and Newt "where and when did you get those?!" Hallie asked concerned Eric and Meagan grinned and told us "well we created these just in case anything like this would happen" Meagan stated and put the folders away.

+-= a few hours later =-+

Hallie's POV    

   I finished brushing my teeth, rinsed and left the bathroom as I passed Eric's room I saw Trent snoring and Eric was asleep with a black puff ball next to him, probably Derek in wolf form and in Meagan's room it looked as if Newt was stuck in Meagan's iron grip, I let out a slight laugh and entered my room closing the door behind me "god why did this have to happen anyway, both school and these weird events -sigh- well no use in thinking about it" turning off the light I got under my blankets and drifted to sleep.

-=+ Time skip to morning +=-

Trent's POV 

I woke up to a slight nudge on my side and when I opened my eye's  I saw blue eyes staring at me "hey Trent wake up we have to get going soon" Eric told me as he held out a hand to help me off the floor "okay thanks by the way what's with the dog?" I asked pointing to the black dog with for some reason bright blue eyes "oh right forgot you don't know, well its Derek but he's in his wolf form so yea and I would leave before he turns back cuz... well..." he scratches the back of his head face turning red, yea I understand what he meant "yea okay got the picture let me get my bag and I'll be taking my leave" once I grabbed my bag I insistently left to change.

Meagan's POV

I brushed my hair waiting for everyone else to be ready to go but there was a sudden grab on my shoulder and on instinct I spun around and smacked them right in the face "ow Meagan calm down!" I gasped and ran to the kitchen for ice and ran back to Newt who was leaning on the wall holding his face "ohmygodohmygodohmygod I am so sorry!" I gently placed the ice on his face, and to my surprises he let out a laugh "never expected you to be so strong, good thing to be in the maze" he looked straight into my eyes and we both leaned in and kissed letting the ice fall to the floor. "Hey come on we have to go or we'll be late" I looked over to see Alison, Lydia and Hallie standing in the arch way to the living room my face intently went red, I got up and helped Newt up as well and we both got into Hallie's car but before we did I asked Hallie "hey isn't Eric driving to school or what?" she started the car and turned around "he said he was going to walk with Derek, Stiles and Norah so Trent's driving" I nodded and we were off to school.

=_+ Mean while +_=

Eric's POV

I was walking to school with Norah, Stiles and the wolf I love Derek "nice day isn't it?" Norah said braking the awkward silence I nodded at that and held Derek's hand making Stiles to look at us and ask "okay dude why have you never told me you were into guys? like really you dated Kate Argent" Derek shrugged and put a arm on my shoulder bringing me closer "well it is my own choice and Eric was the first guy to ask me out and that is pretty brave" I felt my face redden causing Norah to laugh at me. Eventually we had ended up at school the same time as Hallie, Meagan, Alison, Lydia, Newt and Trent "ready for this day and everyone asking who they are and trying to ask Derek, Stiles and Newt out?" everyone nodded and Meagan held Newt close "well if any girl tries and ask me out I'll tell them were dating and kiss you as proof" Derek told me and I hugged him, and so began the school day.

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