I don't know what it is about her, maybe its because its seems like shes the only one in a very long time that showed that she actually cared.

I was even more surprised when I began to tell her what was wrong with me. Why I really don't know. Maybe Im just tired of keeping things in, maybe I just wanted to talk to someone for once and get things off my chest. When Ziara hugged me I felt like she was that person I needed to talk to. So I began to tell her the story that has been hurting me all these years.

Flashback to 8 years ago

I was walking down the street on my way home. It was cloudy outside showing that it was going to rain soon. I was 16 at the time and still in school. As I continued walking home like predicted water began to fall from the sky, so that's when I began running. Finally making it home I opened the door but only to find my dad and mom argueing. I hated my father with a passion because all he did was beat on my mother. Most times if im around I jump in and try to help her but of course hes stronger then me. I walked passed both of them going into my room and shutting the door behind me. I laid in my bed waiting for them to stop. After 10 minutes I heard something fall to ground breaking into pieces as my mom let out a loud scream. Rushing out the room I saw my dad once again beating on my mom. Pissed off I rammed into his side pushing him off her. He got off the ground since he fell and looked directly at me with anger written on his face. He then walked towards me and punched me in my stomach. I groaned in pain and swung back and after that we started fist fighting. Soon I ended up on the ground and looking down at me he said "stay in your place little boy!" I had blood trickling down my nose and a bruised eye. As he walked towards my mother again I jumped up and took a swing at the back of his head. Angry he punched me in my face again and I fell back on the ground. Then he pulled out a gun and pointed it at me."You want to play hero little boy, so ill show you what happens when you play hero!" he screamed. But before he could pull the trigger my mom came and pushed him out the way. "Bitch! he screamed and shot her. She fell to the ground, pissed off to the max I got up and started fighting him again and the gun fell to the ground. I took that chance to punch him hard in the face and soon he also fell to the ground. I picked up the gun and pointed it down at him like he did to me earlier. "Please son don't shoot!" he begged. But I ignored his comment and a shot was fired with a loud noise and light filling the room afterwords, and then out came his last breathe. I looked at my mom and she was laying on the ground, so I rushed to her side. "Mom stay with me ok!" I yelled. She looked up at me with a weak smile and tears rolling down her face. "Elijah baby I want you to take care of your self ok." Tears was streaming down my face also. "Mom you gone make it through ok just stay with me." She raised up with the last strength that she had and kissed my cheek. "I love you!" she said and laid back down. "Mama! I screamed. Her eyes were open and she wasn't moving. "Mama! "Please mama say something!" I knew she was dead but I didn't want to believe it. My face fell on her chest and I started sobing non stop. I wasnt thinking about calling the police or anything. All I could do at the moment was cry.


I cried once again after I told her the story. After that incident I got rid of the gun and evidence that proved I killed my father. I didn't want to go to a foster home so I took all the money that I had and ran. Not long did I run out of money and had to find a way to get more. I went to my best friend for help and he told me I could start selling for easy money.

When I started I didn't stop. Instead I kept getting better and better until I decided to start taking over gangs. Then I just kept getting bigger and bigger with my best friend by my side until I became the man I am today. I still didn't forget about that very day I lost my mother and never will. Ziara was still rubbing my back when she said, "Your going to have to let it go, you cant keep holding things in."

I wasn't ready to let go, I couldn't let go. I lost one of the very few people that actually cared about me. Growing up no one gave a damn about me. As messed up as it sounds my aunt, mom, and bestfriend was the only people that loved me. I looked up at Ziara and told her that too and she listened.

"Well now you also have me that cares." she said with a smile. I gave one back and suddenly felt better. I rose up looking at her and said thank you. She looked shocked not expecting me to say it. Hell I never say thank you so I was shocked as well.

She got up and told me she had to go and I watched her leave. I still couldn't believe what I had just did. I had just opened up to a female. I showed her a weak side of me. Damn was all I could think or say.

What is going on with me?

I thank everyone who has voted and commented so far on my story. I read all of you alls comments and it made me happy. Honestly I thought I was doing a horrible job on this book, but you all proved other wise. I will update as soon as I reach 7 comments.

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