"They do!?" Luke, Rosa and Lily asked.

"Yes. So why don't I take Matty and EJ's bag along with mine, Luke you take yours, Lily you take yours, and Rosy take yours."


Rosa and I were laying in bed. Luci was with the kids watching a movie, because she thought we should have some alone time. We were really tired though so we just decided to cuddle and talk.


"What's wrong Rosy?"

"I'm a little afraid to be back in town."

"Me too Rosy, but we can't let the kids know that. We have to be strong."

"I don't know if I ca-"

"Please don't tell me you're thinking about leaving again."

"No, I'm just afraid of losing you and the kids."

"I promise to keep you all close."

"We can't let anyone know we are here except for my mom and Jacob."

"I know babe. Let's just focus on the wedding and then before you know it, we will be back home." Rosa yawned and I pulled her closer to me.

"Baby I'm so tired."

"I know my love, why don't you get some rest, huh?"

"But I want to stay up with you."

"Rosy, you need to rest. You have jet lag."


"We will call your mom in the morning, but for now we need to get some rest."

"Can we tuck the kids in?"

"Of course," Rosa got out of bed and started to stretch. I walked over to Rosa and picked her up. I spun her around the room making her giggle.

"I love you Rosa!"

"I love you more Lyric!" I set her down and pulled her closer to me by her waist. I pushed her hair from out of her eyes and kissed her lips.

"Let's go put the kids to bed," I wrapped my arm around her waist and opened the door to the kids' room of the suite.

"Time for bed mijos." Luci got up and headed out of the room.

"Yayy!" Lily and EJ cheered. "We don't have to go to bed!"

"Thanks for keeping them occupied."

"No problem, I'm gonna head to bed."

"Night Luci," Rosa and I said in unison.

"Goodnight Ms. Nuñez," Luci waved and walked out of the room.

"Mijas, you have to go too."

"Aww," They said pouting.

"We came to tuck you guys in. So get in your beds." Luke helped Matty into bed with him while Lily and EJ got settled in their bed. Rosa and I put the blankets over them and gave each of them their stuffed animals. We quickly gave each of them a kiss and a hug and we all exchanged I love you's.

"Goodnight my loves, we love you so much," We turned off the light and closed the door.


Today we were going to hang in the hotel room and then eat dinner in the hotel restaurant. Rosa was still a tad bit hesitant so to reassure her I told we could just be lazy today. Luci, of course, was coming with us. She's amazing with the kids and she's like our new best friend.

An Almost Fairy Tale [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now