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I woke up the next morning to Rosa sleeping in my arms. She made cute little noises when she snored as usual. I kissed her forehead. I carefully got up so I wouldn't wake her and checked on the twins. They were sound asleep. Matty looked like he was holding EJ because he had his arms around her. I quickly took a picture of the two of them and went to the bathroom. When I came out, Luke was sat up in his bed rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning sleepyhead." I said sitting down next to him. He yawned and smiled.

"Good morning Mama." He hugged me like he always did in the mornings. Then he laid his head on my lap while I stroked his hair. "What we gonna do today Mama?"

"Well, Mommy wanted to take you to the pool again to get some extra swim practice. Then she was gonna take you for ice cream. Then later, we are going to Auntie Chelsea and Uncle Eli's house for dinner. Uncle Eli wanted to know if you wanted to spend the night at their house because he wanted to take you to the carnival."


"Shhhhh Luke, Mommy and the twins are still sleeping."

"Why is Mommy sleeping? Isn't she always the first one up?"

"Yes she is, but she had a bad dream last night, so she didn't get much sleep."

"So no special breakfast?"

"I'm sorry Lukey. I know you like when Mommy cooks, but she's really tired and I don't wanna ask her to get up and make breakfast. Lukey we came to this hotel for a vacation. That means we all get to relax and have fun. Mommy has been doing stuff for us since-"

"Since you showed me her. When you got me from Pop-pop's house."

"Mommy has always acted like a Mommy to you Luke. It's time for her to have some Rosa time."

"Who's Rosa?"

"Mommy's name is Rosa."


"Shhhh, yes Luke her name is Rosa. I thought I told you that."

"I forgot. Oops."

"It's okay, just don't call her Rosa. Her name is Mommy to you."

"I won't. I promise." Then Rosa sat up in bed and Luke ran over to her. "Lay back down Mommy. You need Rosa time, not Mommy time. You don't have to make breakfast for me, because I will make breakfast for you!" Rosa got taken aback by Luke's excitement. She laughed and hugged him.

"Thank you sweetie, that means a lot to me, but you don't have to make breakfast honey."

"Mama said you need to relax because you do too much for us." He smiled. Rosa looked over at me and raised an eyebrow. I got up and sat next to her.

"Good morning beautiful." I said kissing her lips. She smiled.

"Good morning gorgeous." She kissed me again and sat on my lap.

"What I said to Luke was-"

"Baby I know. You tell me to relax all the time. I try, but I just can't help that I have the urge to help out and be Mommy. I forget sometimes that I have to slow down and relax."

"I know, and I love you so much for always helping and doing stuff for me, Luke, and the twins, but one day baby you are gonna hurt yourself by doing all that work. You're gonna be too stressed. I let you be a stay-at-home mommy princess, but when I'm home, I want you to relax. I'll handle everything. So will your mom. It's okay to ask her to watch Luke while you and the twins nap."

"I know baby, I just-"

"Tomorrow, Luke is going to Chelsea and Eli's and the twins are going home and staying with Carina. We are gonna make tomorrow all about you. We are gonna do everything you like to do. We are gonna go to the spa, and the mall, everything!"


"Really princess."

"Awwww thank you baby." She gave me a big hug and kissed me. "I love you Lyric. And you too Lukey." Luke sat on Rosa's lap and hugged her.

"I love you Mommy." Then the twins woke up. I heard their little yawns so Rosa and I immediately got up and too them out of their bassinet.

"Good morning my loves." Rosa said with a smile. She kissed the top of their heads. "Baby, I'm gonna change EJ, her diaper is full."

"Let me do it love, you and Luke can order room service for breakfast."

"Are you sure? I can help-"

"Princess, we just talked about this."

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry." Rosa handed me EJ, and sat down on the bed with Luke. "Lukey, what would you like for breakfast sweetie?"


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