Dangerous Thoughts

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The ocean could be seen at the horizon, glistening in the noon sun. The density of the tiny houses that peppered the landscape, decreased the farther out from the palace they were. The Palace itself was made of bright shimmering crystals, that sat atop its highest towers and glowed a light blue at dusk. More practical grey bricks made up the main body of the building. According to legend the Palace had been built here by the kingdom's founding family; his family.

Alec's parents were the current monarchs of this land, and for as long as he could remember he'd been groomed to take over the throne. Alec valued family and duty very highly and worked hard to be worthy of his role even if he didn't really want it, or at least he didn't want one aspect of it ― the problem was that the job title required one to marry and produce heirs.

His father had married without love and Alexander knew exactly what that had done to him, but at least Robert Lightwood was attracted to women. Alec, on the other hand, was not. Robert and Maryse hadn't been surprised by this news, but they had reminded Alec that kings must provide heirs. The rest of his family hadn't thought much of it either. His little sister, Izzy had offered to set him up with men, but though Alec knew what strong attraction looked like in others, but had yet to experience it himself.

Alec had once researched this topic in the archives of the royal library. He'd been curious if there had ever been a monarch like him before and to his surprise there were records of at least two kings in the last few centuries that kept a male lover in the Palace along with the Queen. The problem was that this solution and Alec's morals were at odds.

Alec regretted to this day that he'd never told his little brother, Max, that he was gay. When Max had been alive Alec had held out hope that his little brother could have ascended the throne in his place. The day Max had died in his arms, Alec had lost both that hope and the brother he loved. Alec considered that to be the worst day of his life.

These days Alec just wished, in vain, that his arrogant best friend was actually his brother because he would have loved every part of being King.

"Are you just going to stand there looking gloomy forever?" Alec turned around and saw the bright gold hair and eyes of Jace Herondale. Alec's parents had taken Jace in as their own when Jace's parents had died, just weeks after Jace was born.

"I am considering it," Alec said absently as he turned back to the window.

"It's like you walk around with a rain cloud over your head," Jace complained. "If I was going to be king I would be, you know... happy." Alec didn't comment so Jace continued. "So what if you'd rather have a guy. All you have to do is get your wife pregnant. Simple. Then you can go back to whichever dude you want." Alec rolled his eyes.

"Thanks," Alec said sarcastically. "That makes everything better."

"No problem," Jace replied spiritedly. Alec knew Jace understood sarcasm, but was just choosing to ignore it. "Always here to help."

"Go away," Alec whined.

"Sorry, can't," Jace said sharply. "Maryse sent me to tell you duty calls." Alec groaned; he so wasn't in the mood, but he turned around and followed Jace down the hall.

This was the purpose of the royal family. This was why the blood-lines had to remain as pure as possible. It wasn't just politics or tradition. The blood that ran through their veins allowed them to work the weapons that no one else could, the only weapons that could protect them when demons threatened their lands. They had a name for themselves, these people who could wield the weapons of the Angels, they called themselves Nephilim.

Every person who lived in the Palace had at least a little angel blood. In fact, Alec was pretty sure no one without the royal blood had ever set foot within these walls. The majority of his people were what the Nephilim referred to as mundanes, though never to their face. They were the same as the royalty, except they didn't have Angel blood. The other two races that shared this world with them were not protected directly by the royal family as the mundanes were. These two races mostly looked after themselves though the Nephilim did cross paths with them from time to time.

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