His bright blue eyes roved around my eyes slowly, as if trying to read whatever emotion that was on display at the moment before moving up at my messy hair. His lips quirked at the corner, making him smirk. ‘Well we need to speak with you about something, if you’re done with your shouting at everyone,’ he spoke.

I stared at him flatly and brushed past him without another word. I stalked towards the living room where everyone else was crowding around the small table and I had to sigh in relief when I couldn’t see the police officers hanging around. I was glad that they had left, good riddance.

I accepted the mug of coffee from Liam before dropping myself in-between my two bestfriends, opposite Henry who was looking at me with sad eyes. We waited until Blake arrived and waited a few more minutes until Henry cleared his throat somewhat uncomfortable at something they had previously discussed.

I stared at him wordlessly which made him fidget relentlessly at my stare, my lips plastered on the warm mug and my long fingers curled around it tightly as I waited for him to speak somewhat impatiently. ‘What did the police officers say Henry?’

‘…They said that they’d be calling the FBI for help and they’d be starting the search as soon as possible. During that time, they think it’s better if you leave this apartment. The boys and I had discussed the next best house you can hole up for the moment. I personally think it’s better if you live temporarily with me,’ Henry said, his eyes watching me warily.

‘I don’t want them to find me there, you have a family Henry I can’t do that,’ I told him flatly as I flat out refused his idea. ‘I can’t involve your family with my own messy problems; it’s not fair for you.’

‘But pumpkin-‘

‘Ally listen to the man will you? We want an adult to supervise you and we think that Mr. Morgan is the best choice there is. I mean you can’t literally stay over with Mitch and I, we’re staying with other friends at the moment,’ Liam tried to reason with me, a frown settling onto his face.

I let out a sigh. ‘You guys think it’s better if I live over at Henry’s place?’ I asked, addressing the question over towards the three boys that were looking at me with different expressions on their faces.

‘I sleep better if I know you’re in good hands,’ Mitchie replied me gravely while the other two boys nodded their agreement at my question. I watched them for a moment, seeing that they care about my wellbeing and I had to frown at that-my heart was telling me I shouldn’t be bothering the family but my mind was scolding me to think thoroughly.

Maybe I should live with him for the moment.

I bit my lip and sipped my coffee, letting the bitter taste roll down my throat as I let my mind think over the possible reasons for staying over at Henry’s place. I really don’t want to burden them for having to feed another head but seeing their expressions on their faces and their care showing in their eyes, I agreed somewhat grudgingly.

Henry was smiling widely by the time we left my apartment with my bags about an hour later. I pointedly glared out of the window as I watched my building shrink in the distance. I started humming songs after songs under my breath trying to calm myself down and make myself better as Henry drove us off towards his house. My emotions were frayed I know.

I felt so scared and alone for the first time in my life. I felt odd without Mum by my side and I couldn’t shake the feeling of fear that had lodged in my gut when I had received that call. That fear in her voice kept repeating in my head, that accursed conversation kept rewinding. That anger in his voice as he threatened me. I just couldn’t stop them from replaying.

Of Pain | COMPLETEDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें