Chapter 11 and 12

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Chapter 11: Paige's P.O.V.

We decided to camp out in an isolated forest. Tony used his map to look for a safer place to stay.

Owls were hooting, animaps were scurrying. The moonlight made shadows of tree branches appear on our face. The blazing fire warms me up.

"We'll just stay here in the meantime, we're close to my home.", Tony mumbles.

"Okay, both you and me will take turns as lookout."

"How about me? What do I do?", Shrignold questions.

"Just stay put.", Tony answers.

After a while, Tony and Shrignold decided to rest. I take the position as lookout. It is still 2:11 am. I hear scurrying in the the bush in front of me. Cold sweat drips on my face.

"Hell-hello! Is anyone there!?", I yell with fear.

I walk towards the bush. Withnall my strength, I pull the bush apart. Nothing.

"Nice to see you again, love.", a familiar voice murmurs behind me.

Before I can look behind me, he inserts somthing that seems like a pill in my mouth. I accidently swallow it and the floor seems to be swaying.

"Well, it's bedtime, love.", the voice says menacingly.

I fall to the ground and the last thing I see is Shrignold being hauled away.

When I open my eyes, I am in a darks, damp room. The smell of mildew lingers in my nose. The only thing I can hear is the muffled breathing of the small figure, slouching on the wall in front of me. I try to break free, but the restraints bite down on my wrists everytime I try to move.

Suddenly, lights fill the room and a door opens. William walks in. Then, I notice the small figure is Shrignold.

"Let us go, you disgusting pig.", I yell.

"Oh now, now, love. What's the fun in that?", I reply.

Shrignold's eyes flutter open.

"P-Paigey, where's T-Tony?", he whispers, shuddering.

"Oh, just wait, soon he will arrive.", Will replies.

"You'll never find him!", I shout with rage.

"Oh, I won't find him. He'll find us."

I let the words sink in and a cold feeling spreads throughout my body.

"Well, tata, love."

When he leaves, Shrignold begins to cry.

"Sh-Shrignold, everything w-will be fine.", I say as a tear cascades down my face.

I hope Tony will be safe.

Chapter 12: Tony's P.O.V.

I open my eyes and notice it is already dawn. I turn to wake Shrignold, but his sleeping bag is empty. I sit up in alarm.

"Shrignold!", I yell.

I sprint to Paige's tent. I open the tent.

"Paige, have you seen-"

She was gone. I panicly run outside yelling.

"Paige! Shrignold!"

I look at the muddy footprints from my tent leading farther into the forest.

My feet lead me through the clearing and I see a vast rice field. Right there, the footprints stop. With no sense of direction, I sight a crippled old man who was farming rice.

"Excuse me, sir, do you-"

When he turns around, memories flood into my mind. Terrible memories. Memories of screaming, shrieking and thrashing. I realized it is the same old man I tortured.

"Do you know where these people went?", I say while showing him their photographs.

"Oh, those two? Some of the men with them took my crops.", he replies.

I look around his field, it is in an awful condition. Some patches of rice are missing. The other crops looked charred and ash is spread everywhere.

"I tried to stop them, but it was of no use. Already half of my plants were on fire. Now, I'm disposing them and waiting until rainy season to plant again. I'm sorry for ranting, but they went this way.", he points to North.

"I'm sorry.", I say with a pang of guilt.

"For what?"

H really doesn't remember anything.


As I head North, I notice flickers of movement between the foliage. I try to turn around. A cold hand clamps on my neck.

"Where do you think you're going!?", a rough voice yells.

I struggle to breathe.

"None. Of. Your. Business.", I shout as I smack him in the face.

His grip falters and I immediately scurry away from him. He grabs a gun and aims it at me. At the last minute, I dodged the bullet. Without warning, I tackle him to the ground. I snatch his gun. I aim and shoot. I see more figures in the trees and run. I only think of one phrase.

Stay low, go fast.

Kill first, die last.

One shot, one kill.

Not luck, all skill.

I hear more gunshots and run in a zigzag pattern. I grab my gun and fire blindly. I figure that I had manage to shoot someone because of a heavy 'thud'. I feel a sharp pain on my left shoulder. My knees buckle and I drop to the floor. The world seems to be spinning. Darkness covers me.


Hey guys, it's me Cherry! Thank you for reading the new chapters. Shoutout to @sibolinao01! I will be posting tomorrow, March 18, 2017.

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