Chapter 9 and 10

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Chapter 9: Paige's P.O.V.

Tony sent me to buy food in a nearby market. As I walk back, I wonder. Will I ever go home? Can I suvive the horror, which are Tony and his hideout? I may never know. I approach our makeshift home, someone is blocking the way.

"Who the heck are you!?"

"Hello darling, why don't you come with me?", he laughs like a maniac.

"Hello darling, why don't you come with me?", he laughs like a maniac

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He strides towards me with his long legs. His brown hair glistens in the moonlight and his necktie flaps in the wind. He touches me with cold fingers. I flinch.

"You're mine.", he whispers in my ear.

"T-TONY! TONY! HELP! TONY!", I scream.

The door opens and Tony appears. He pushes the mysterious man away from me. The man stands up. Tony is in shock.

"William!? I thought you were-"

"Dead!? Oh, Tony. You're in for a surprise!", he says with hate. "Well, I must be on my way!" He turns to me. "We will meet again, love"

He sprints to some bushes and disappears.


"Let's get inside.", Tony says cautiously.

We enter. Shrignold runs up to me and hugs me fiercely.

"Paigey! Are you okay? We saw that baddie!"

"Who-who was that Tony?", I ask.

"That was William Saldago, my schoolmate. He was always mean towards me. One day, we had a fieldtrip to the mountains. He slipped by a cliff and he was hanging there. I ran to tell someone but when we came back he was gone. We thought he was dead."

"Why is he doing this to me?"

"I'm not really sure, but we need to be careful."

"Let's sleep already.", Shrignold suggests.

Chapter 10: Tony's P.O.V.

I wake up earlier than usual. As I stand up, I hear the door of Paige's room creak. I notice a flicker of movement.

"Paige!?", I call out.

No anwer. I must be paranoid. I leave the building and walk my way to the market. When I get there, it is eerily quiet. There is only one old vendor, and he was already packing his things.

"Hey, sir! Could I buy your-"

"Sonny, just take everything. Take my horse! Take my cart! But I'm warning you, it is dangerous to go outside your house at this time.", he yells in a croaky voice. "There's a murderer!"

"I'll take my chances, sir.", I reply.

"It's your loss!"

He hurries to his house across the quiet, dusty street. As I pack my belongings, I hear a bloodcurling scream. A figure appears beside the vendor's home. I need to go. I quickly jump on the horse and prodded it to gallop forward.

I arrived and I was breathless. I run to Paige and Shrignold. They are sitting by the table.

"Pack everything important! We need to leave now!", I yell.

I dash to my rroom and pack as much food and clothes as I can. I stuff them into my bag. I clutch my bag and run.

"Paige! Are you both ready!?"

"Just a sec'!"

Se runs out of her room with Shrignold. They are both sweating.

"Let's go!"

I grab Shrignold's hand and we run to the cart.

"I'm scared, Tony.", Shrignold whispers.

"Eveything is going to be fine. It's alright.", I reply.

We load the cart and climb in. I urge the horse to gallop as quickly as it can. I look back one last time and see a hand gripping a gleaming knife. The same emerald eyes from days ago pierce me. I only think of one word. William.


Hey guys, it's me Cherry! I hope you liked the 4 chapters! I am so sorry! I will be posting new chapters tomorrow, March 17, 2017.

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