2| Edmund Pevensie, Lucy Pevensie and Eustace Scrubb

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The Dawn Treader set out for Terebinthia, arriving four days later. They did not make port due to the sickness on the island, instead dropped an anchor in a cove far from the capital. While the men were replenishing their supplies, Alarice was strictly told by Caspian to stay in her cabin with Reepicheep to keep her company.

"He's acting so overprotective." Alarice complained as she cross her arms and sat on her bed.

Reepicheep leapt onto her bedside table and chuckled. "His Majesty is only thinking of your wellbeing, Your Majesty." he explained and handed her an apple. "Everyone could see how he would look after you all the time. Do understand that he is doing this for your own good. He doesn't want anything to happen to you."

Alarice sighed. "You're right, Reep." she mumbled and took a bite on her apple.

Leaving Terebinthia three days later due to calm waters, the ship set out through wide, open seas towards Seven Isles. Three days later, they ran into a pirate, probably Terebinthian, which they held off by arrow volleys. Although Reepicheep expressed a desire to board the pirates' ship and hang every one of them, Alarice stopped him before he could do anything.

Five days later, the ship arrived at Muil, the western most island of the Seven Isles. They rowed the straits to Redhaven on the isle of Brenn where they were welcomed. They stayed a short time, only long enough to restore their provisions, before setting off for the Lone Islands.

Alarice opened the door of her cabin and stepped outside as the warmth of the morning sun's rays hit her face and the sea's breeze filled her nose.

"Good day, Queen Alarice!"

"Good Morning, Your Majesty!"

Alarice smiled at the Narnians. "Hello everyone." she greeted them and walked towards the front deck of the ship.

It was quiet just like what she wanted. It hasn't been that long since the Dawn Treader started sailing, she admitted that it has been such a thrilling experience to be on the magnificent ship. A lot different from sailing with the Splendor Hyaline, maybe because she was with the Pevensie siblings. And now, she was with Caspian.

She sighed heavily at the thought of her conflicting feelings. The fact that she was now immortal, like her father, she was even more determined to reach the eastern end of the world, Aslan's Country to see him again and they could finally be together. They would no longer have to be apart. However, at the same time, she wanted to stay with Caspian and be with him. She hasn't even told him she loves him, but she's scared at the thought he'll grow old and die, while she remains the same and live forever.

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