Chapter 8

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I could make a five paragraph long excuse as to why I haven't updated, but imma be honest. I just didn't feel like it. Thanks for 1k reads btw!

You guys like the new cover btw? XD I actually took my time on it.

*Loke's POV*
I couldn't get her out of my mind. Her smile, her laugh, just her. I needed to find her soon ... before anything happened.

"Ok, Loke, just retrace your steps," I whispered.

I was surrounded by trees, surely she wouldn't be anywhere in a forest.

When was the last time I saw her?

I paced back and forth. My mind was crowded with thoughts and I couldn't recall any useful information.

She's been on my mind ever since she joined Fairytail. Whether I like to admit it or not.

I sighed.

Now is not the time for fantasizing, Loke. Now is not the time to fantasize about her hair, or her eyes, or her luscious a-

Focus, Loke.

(A/N: honestly me when I'm fantasizing about my crush, and I'm supposed to be focusing on a test)

I suddenly had a flash back and looked into the distance. (Because that's what everyone does when they have a flashback)

I remember seeing (Y/N) last when we were going swimming.

"Took me long enough!" I shouted at myself as I started running in the direction where I last saw her.

Soon, I saw the place come in to view.

"Oh, (Y/N), wherever you are..I hope I'm not too late," I whispered as I dived in the water.

*Y/N's POV*

"What did you do?" I sobbed.

I was too deep in my feelings to know that I had to stop. All my sense of humanity had left me. She was probably already close to death, but I just couldn't stop. I couldn't let the woman who took everything away from me live.

"They say that everyone deserves a second chance," I said shakily as I stood up on my wobbly knees.

"Because we're all only h-human!" I screamed, "but even if I go to hell for this, I won't stop until I've killed you. You've taken everything from me, you deserve your faith!"

Just as I was about to deliver another blow, I heard a familiar voice call out to me.


I stopped shaking. I stopped moving. I stopped breathing for a second. My breath got hitched in my throat.

It was Loke.

"L-Loke?" I whispered without my eyes leaving my victim.

Loke's voice had pulled me out of my state. Looking down at what I've caused, I knew what I was. I was no different than the woman I had called a witch. I was a monster. I tried killing her, and I would've succeeded if Loke wouldn't have come.

"(Y/N), what are you doing?" Asked Loke calmly as he approached carefully.

I panicked. I looked at Loke quickly with frightened eyes.

Loke x Reader {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now