Chapter 1

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A/N: Hello this is future me here coming at you. Before you start reading, I just want you to know that I was *so* young when I wrote this. I honestly cringe anytime I look at this. Oh my goodness it hurts. Because I was really young when I wrote this, I recognize that it may not be the best story out there. Anyway, to those who have read this or are going to read this, I want to say thank you (: I never really expected people to read this, much less 14k people. Again, thank you <3

You wake up by a huge oak tree, not knowing who you are or how you got there.  You rub your tired eyes and stand up with lots of effort. You look around the streets of Magnolia and decide to walk forward, not knowing exactly where you were going. The wind is rather strong and you soon hear thunder. The water starts lightly drizzling as you pick up the pace. You walk calmly, your (H/C) hair swaying close behind you.

You keep on walking for a couple of minutes, when you notice a black hooded figure following close behind you. You get a sick and uneasy feeling as you start running as fast as you can, without daring to look back and see if the mysterious black figure was following you. You ran and occasionally stepped on a couple of water puddles getting yourself even more wet.

You run, your hair flowing crazily behind you as your (E/C) eyes reflect the bright full moon. Your breathing gets heavier with every step you take. You see something up ahead with a somewhat blurry vision.

'Fairy Tail' it read in dark red florescent lighting.

You shuddered from the cold as you heard another thunder clap. From outside, you could hear lively chatter and you noticed the lights were on.

That was good, at least someone might help me in here.

Your heart beat sped up immensely as you took a peek behind you, to see the mysterious hooded figure. You kept on breathing heavily and started to panic as you tried to quickly open the doors to Fairy Tail. With great effort, you were able to open the doors.

The place went silent as you looked around and heard another thunder clap. You took one more look around frighteningly and fainted, slowly falling right on the threshold of Fairy Tail.

*Timeskip to when you wake up cuz I can brah*

"Is she alive?" You heard a voice curiously ask.

"Don't ask things like that flamebrain!"

"Who're you calling 'flamebrain', ice princess!?"

You groaned and rubbed your eyes.

"Everyone, shut up! She's waking up."

You yawned tiredly and sat up quickly, which caused your back to ache and you to groan.

You looked around with your eyes widening, remembering where you were. There were many people surrounding you which made you feel intimidated.

"P-Please don't hurt me," you murmured weakly not meaning to sound so vulnerable.

"I didn't.. I-I don't-" a short man suddenly came over interrupting you.

"Quiet, Brats, you are frightening her," he snapped as he walked close to you and dismissed everyone else.

"What's your name?" He asked in a very comforting voice.

"My name... I think.." your head started hurting as you thought of it, but you managed to remember, "my name is (Y/N).. I'm pretty sure anyway," you said scratching your head and looking up at the ceiling and at everything else in the guild.

"What do you mean 'I think'," asked the old man curiously.

Your gaze went to his and you murmured, "how would I know."

Loke x Reader {Fairy Tail}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang