Chapter 7

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Recap: "It looks like you need several more beatings for that smart mouth of yours," she said smiling widely.

"Damn, you're possessed. How didn't I realize this sooner," you said sarcastically and annoyed at yourself.

She didn't give you a chance to react before she grabbed a mallet and crushed your fingers.

"Holy mother of pearl," you screamed as you breathed heavily.

"Don't worry, (Y/N), I'm just starting."

You sat on the chair, not able to move. Every inch of your body hurt. That monster you used to call mom, she did all of this. She was currently out buying as she phrased, "sharp things"

You groaned as your head became foggy.

"One can only take so many hits," you whispered as you now needed the chair for support.

You were covered in dirt and blood, it was horrible. You had crushed bones anywhere you could imagine.

I should be dead by now.. but how come I'm not?

As you were thinking about ways to escape, the door suddenly opened sending a chill up your spine. You started breathing heavier, and clutched on to the chair with the most strength you had. You kept your head facing down not wanting the only unharmed part of your body, your eyes, to see someone- something so disgusting.

You heard laughter and it was high pitched.

"Oh, s-so you're back," you said drowsily.

"(Y/N), sweetie, are you okay!" Asked the witch while caressing your cheek.

"W-what do you want, witch?"

"(Y/N), how dare you call your mother that!"

Your eyes widened, "M-mom?"

You suddenly frowned, "you're not my mom.."

Suddenly, you snapped at whatever trance you were in to find your mom sitting in front of you expectedly.

"Hey, sweetie, how are you feeling?" She asked sweetly caressing your cheek.

You frowned heavily, "Dude, did you go get drunk while you w-were out or?"

Her face quickly darkened, "Dammit, it didn't work," she whispered.

You watched her pace back and fourth in the room.

What was she trying to accomplish?

I was too beaten up and scarred to try and figure that out.

"I thought I mixed everything right and said the words!" She said angrily.

She looked at me for a second, and then glanced at her whip. She quickly retrieved it and whipped me.

You almost screamed but you didn't allow yourself to. You didn't want to show her that she got to you.

You laughed a little, "I mean I know you're mad and all, but w-what the hell did I do?"

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