13. (Part 1)

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Jungkook P.O.V

Together we went to the amusement park. I wore a mask and hoped that nobody would recognize me and it worked. Our bus was a bit full and we didn't have much room. I had a strong grip on a pole, but Tae often threatened to fall. When he lost his balance and fell, I quickly pulled his arm and pulled him into my chest. He had his hands on my chest and looked at me with his big doe eyes. I heard a soft 'thank you' and I smiled at him warmly. After a minute we had more room and I sat down on a available seat. Tae stood beside me, but I pulled him by his hip and pushed him down, so he sat on my lap.
"Kookie, we are in public...", he whispered.
"Who cares.... I won't let you stand there..."
He gave up and leaned on me. When we were almost there I squeezed his waist and he gasped.
"We are almost there", I whispered at his neck and I felt how he shuddered. He stood up and I did the same. We intertwined our fingers and went smiling to the amusement park.
"Taeeeee!!! Let's go to the roller coaster!!"
I pointed at a big, high roller coaster and watched Tae's reaction to it. He gulped and his eyes widened, but when he looked at me his expression changed. His cheeks had a light pink tint and he nodded.
"S-Sure, Kookie! If you want to!!"
I frowned. He wanted to hide it, but I could sense his fear. I grabbed his shoulders and bent to his height.
"Listen, Tae. If you are afraid, we can ride anything else, but don't feel like you must do everything I say, alright?", I asked softly and stroked his cheek with my thumb. He smiled at me and hugged me. I took my hands away from his shoulders and rested them on his hip.
"I want to do it, Kookie! And you will be there, right?"
I nodded and he dragged me to the counter where we buy the tickets. I paid for us, but he wanted to pay the next time. Let me see if I will let him. After some minutes it was our time. We sat at the front. When we finished the preparations, I squeezed Tae's hand. He squeezed it back with a slight smile. The roller coaster went slowly upwards. I took his arms and wrapped them around myself, because I knew that it would ride fast downwards.

I know that part is really bad to cut, but I have to go and I haven't updated for a while!!! Sorry, but tomorrow I have a really important test!!!
Your SK~

A mask (TaeKook)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz