Chapter 8- ''s Valentine's Day'

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Thanks for the feedback on the last chapter! It's been one of the most popular, and it even got this story rated this week! Thanks! (:

Reagan POV

"Please explain to me how in a couple of seconds, my nephew-in-law became my stepson."

It had only been a couple of hourse since I dropped that bomb on Louis. Like I thought he would, he called my mum and asked her if the twins could stay over there tonight. She was surprised considering the fact that Louis only asked that if we wanted a night alone together or if we were mad at each other. Considering the tone that he was using when he called her, she could tell it was the latter. After promising her that I would explain later, we hung up. I was sitting on the couch, and Louis was pacing around the living room. I had sent an excited Bentley outside 5 minutes ago. Louis hadn't made eye contact with me in approximately 10 minutes.

"Julian is still your nephew-in-law", I told him.

"He can't be both, Reagan!"

"I never said he was both. He's my nephew, Louis. That's it."

"That doesn't make any sense", he said, gritting his teeth, "if Julian is your child, that means what? You slept with Carson? That's not a surprise considering you'll sleep with anyone, and he's always flirting with you."

"Don't you dare start with me, Louis. Carson flirts with anything with a vagina. I've never slept with him."

"Then, explain to me this whole Julian situation, Reagan! You're not making any sense!"

I didn't appreciate him yelling at me even though he was pissed off, but I didn't bring that up right now. It would only make him madder.

"I got pregnant at 15, the first time I ever had sex. I found out about 2 weeks later. When I called the father, he told me that he didn't want anything to do with me. I already had a dead father, courtesy of me, and an absentee mum. Trinity had already given up her life to take care of me after our mum ran out on us. I didn't want to have to ask her or Carson to help support another person."

"And..?", Louis continued when I stopped.

"I'm breaking a huge rule here by telling you this, but...Trinity is unable to have children. She's not barren, but it's extremely hard for her and Carson to conceive. And, it's not both of them, it's just her. He could go out and get any girl pregnant, which I'm surprised hasn't happened yet considering how much of a whore he is."

"Harry never told me that", Louis said softly.

He had stopped pacing and was sitting in a chair, still on the other side of the room. I ran a hand through my hair and looked at the ground, fighting tears.

"That's because Harry doesn't know", I told him, "She and Harry have sex all the time. You don't think she would've gotten pregnant once in 4 years?"


"Harry thinks she's on the pill. The things that she takes in front of him everyday are chewable vitamins; he's just not curious enough to look."

"Okay", Lou looked confused, "I know he loves Julian to death, but what happens on the day that Harry comes to her and says he wants to have children?"

My stomach twisted because this was something I worried about everyday for my sister.

"She prays every day that it never comes up."

"How dare she!", Lou said, "How could she be so selfish and keep something like not being able to have kids from her own husband?"

"My sister is a lot of things! Rude, smart-mouthed, mean; the list goes on. But, selfish is not one of them. She's afraid that if she does tell him, Harry will leave her. Carson already tried to when he found out!"

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