Prologue- Exchange

Start from the beginning

“Wait for me 10th!” Hayato called as he ran after him.

“Today seems to be pretty energetic,” Takeshi stated as he followed suit as well.

They all just arrived at Namimori Middle. Tsunayoshi slid into the classroom, and Sasagawa Kyoko waved over at them.

“Tsuna-kun! Ohayou!” she greeted as Tsuna put his bag down at his desk, facing Kyoko.

“Ohayou, Kyoko-chan,” he said almost breathlessly. Hayato took the seat in front of him and Takeshi lingered around. Kyoko seemed excited for something.

“Did you hear? Apparently there’s an exchange student here at Nami-Middle,” she announced.

“Really? Hmm… I wonder what they would be like?” Tsunayoshi replied cheerfully. Kyoko clapped her hands together.

“I know! Apparently they’re in the same grade as us! What do you think, Gokudera-kun?” Kyoko asked, turning to him. Hayato shrugged.

“As long as they don’t distract or interfere with the 10th, it doesn’t really matter to me.”

“Really? Everyone seems to be very interested with this exchange student. Apparently they’re from Italy,” Kyoko added, turning back to Tsunayoshi. That part caught Hayato’s attention.

“Italy? Didn’t you transfer from there, Gokudera?” Takeshi asked. They all seemed to be looking at him, waiting for his reply. Hayato simply took out a novel from his bag, along with his glasses.

“Yeah,” he answered quietly after a pause. He didn’t need to be reminded of his birthplace, didn’t want to.

But he also thought about how this person could be part of the Mafia. Being from Italy, there was an actual chance. Whatever. As long as he can protect the 10th as his right hand man, Hayato wouldn’t care if this person was mafioso or someone average.

The bell went off, and already everyone bustled to their seats.

“Let’s talk later guys,” Takeshi said as he moved off to his own seat. Kyoko also sat in her’s and Hayato just faced the front, his feet put up on the desk and he started reading. The teacher walked in the class, but strangely enough, there wasn’t anyone following behind him. Guess the exchange student wasn’t in this class.

The teacher got up to the front of the room to his desk, straightening up his books and papers.

“Well, today our class was supposed to have an exchange student…” The teacher seemed distressed as he scratched his head and went though his papers, “maybe there was a mixup…”

The door suddenly opened, and everyone looked over, and went shock still. Even the teacher went into a nervous sweat as he saw the person at the door.

“H-Hibari-san? W-what brings you here?!” the teacher stuttered. Hibari Kyouya stared coldly around the room, then turned his head to someone that was standing in the hallway still from what Hayato could see.

“This is your class,” he muttered, emotionless, “enjoy Namimori while you can.”

“Thanks for your help,” another voice replied. Hibari turned on his heel and walked down the hallway. When he was gone, someone else entered the classroom. A girl, with dark blonde hair that was curled and tied up into a ponytail, two stray locks over her shoulders. She looked up at the teacher. “Sorry sensei. Even though I was given a tour beforehand, I still got lost,” she explained. The teacher waved his hands in dismissal.

“No no. It’s fine. I’m sure you’ll be used to it in no time!” he replied. The girl smiled and walked up to the front of the room. Facing the whole class, her deep hazel eyes seemed bright. But that’s not what Hayato really saw. He just couldn’t figure out what he was looking out.

The teacher wrote up her name on the board. “Sorry for the mess up today everyone. This is the exchange student from Italy. Faraldo Yukina, was it?” he asked for correction. The girl, Yukina, nodded. “How about sharing a few things to the class?”

“Hmm…” Yukina thought for a bit, and Hayato found himself shifting so that he was actually sitting properly and paying attention. “Well, I like parks,” she started simply, “and meeting new people and places. Japan was always one of the first countries on my list to visit. So I hope we get along everyone.”

The classroom broke into conversation already, most guys going on about how hot she was, and girls going about how pretty she was, and not in a negative way.

Hayato found himself staring, and Yukina suddenly had a strange look and scanned the room. Until her eyes fell onto him.

They both seemed to be watching each other, Hayato with interest while Yukina seemed curious.

“Okay class, settle down!” the teacher called, and the class went quiet again. The teacher cleared his throat and looked around. “Now Faraldo-san…”

“Umm, one more thing please. Everyone here can call me Yukina, or preferably Yuki. I’m fine with either one,” Yukina added.

“Okay then, Yukina-san… you may sit…” The teacher’s eyes fell onto the empty seat next to Hayato, and he was suddenly hesitant. Hayato grunted in annoyance and looked away from the teacher. “You may sit next to… Gokudera,” he finally finished, and pointed to the empty seat. Yukina made her move and walked over to her seat, and Hayato was watching her again.

But so was she.

This girl seemed strange. Hayato just still couldn’t figure out why. 


Hi everyone! What do you think?! I thought this anime was pretty good, so why not make a Fan Fiction about it?! 

Vote or Comment so I can post up the next chapter! 

That is all!

~Ciao ciao~ 

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