Extra Chapter - Glimpse of Future

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Hey all! Sorry for anyone who was looking forward to continuing the story, but I kinda wanted to post this extra chapter for some time now... Anyways, if you all have read Chapter Thirteen, Yukina was sent 10 years into the future. How about we go and read about what she saw, yeah? 

Here is the Glimpse of Future in Yukina's eyes! Hope you all enjoy! 


Yukina coughed from the smoke, waving her hand around so it would blow away from her face though it didn’t really help.

“Yuu? What’s going on down there?! Are you alright?!” called Hayato’s voice, though it sounded a bit different. More… mature, to be honest.

The smoke was gone and a rather large kitchen was revealed to her. She was at the stove, a covered pot heating up over a stove. She did a slow 360 spin on the spot, trying to figure out where she was; of course she had no idea where this place was but it was definitely a family home or something from the looks of it.

Footsteps seemed to be padding down from above, upstairs Yukina had realised when she saw the doorway that led to the staircase. This house was very much luxurious; everything was so fancy. Suddenly human legs were rushing down steps and came into the kitchen, coming at a stop when a man had reached the kitchen bench. He had the striking appearance of Hayato, though much more taller now. And older. Even more good-looking…

“Are you alright? Is it another con_” He immediately came into a full stop when he truly saw Yukina. It looked like it took a few moments to register, but his eyes showed understanding after that, and he sighed with resign. “Oh, that problematic cow…”

“U-umm… just for clarification, this is the future, right?” Yukina had asked. The man nodded. Yukina pointed at him. “So… you’re actually Gokudera then?” Another nod.

“At least you had already known about the 10 year bazooka,” Hayato said. He suddenly straightened up and folded his arms though not so sternly, “so, what were you doing just then? You know… before being blasted into the future?”   

“Ah. We’re on the camping trip. I think we nearly finished making those tents or something.” He seemed to talk like the Hayato from her original time, though he seemed more fidgety now. Yukina noticed the gleam of a golden band on his left ring finger. “Earlier you called out ‘Yuu’… could it be…?”

“Who else would it be?” he grinned up at her. Yukina noticed the look he was giving him. Her eyes widened slightly, her cheeks flushed red.

“R-r-really? A-a-are you really serious?” she stammered. Hayato held out his hands either side, shrugging.

“You can choose to believe it or not,” he teased, “it is the future. You have no idea what may have happened.” Yukina hid her mouth behind her hand, averting her gaze from him.

“Yuu… It’s such a weird nickname,” she muttered.

“I made it specially for you, so it’s sticking,” Hayato stated, a triumphant grin over his face, “well, five minutes is already about up. I guess you’ll be seeing me in ten years’ time.” He took Yukina’s hand gently, caressing her knuckles with his thumb, then lightly pressed his lips over them. “By the way, you don’t need to feel like you’re a burden.”

“E-eh…?” Before she could ask, the popping sounded and the pink smoke was all around her again. His words echoed through her head the moment she saw the young Hayato in front of her, collapsed over the ground. “G-gokudera?!” she had exclaimed as he had started mumbling something she couldn’t really understand. Well, being flustered about meeting the future Hayato could wait. Smiling when she thought about it, she’d take any time to deal with this Hayato. 

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