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“Extreme Rush!” The attacks hit Leticia twice in her leg and made her faulter with her own move. One last hit was about to get her stomach, but she had managed to block with the sole of her shoe. Unfortunately, she had used her injured leg and the defense didn’t last long until Ryouhei had pushed her back. Metallica caught her easily, setting her down quickly with an angry glance over at Ryouhei, breathing hard using so much energy already.

Ventosus… Vifor!” he had chanted. Instead of the pale light over his claws, it was now surrounding his whole figure. Leticia seemed to know what to do as well and had put one foot behind the other, raising her hands.

Ioann… Vant!” The same had happened to Leticia after she had chanted. Both their eyes had now become a navy blue and the temperature in the air had dropped dramatically. Tsuna had to suddenly rub his arms, especially since he was still shirtless and in his swimming trunks along with Yamamoto.

“W-where did this cold come from?!” Tsuna had exclaimed. Yamamoto was doing the exact same as Tsuna huddled up.

“I’m not really liking this anymore…” he had laughed nervously, “I mean, Senpai has been doing well, but now this doesn’t look good.”

“I think this is now their true power,” Reborn had commented, zipping himself up into a puffy trench coat with a fur lined hood that went around his head, “A snow storm… A blizzard?”

“Not exactly,” Yukina had said, “it’s more the air. They’re able to control air molecules at will, including moisture and even oxygen. They just seem to favor the cold. They’re past involved mostly of winter sports.”

“Hmm… this could be dangerous for Ryouhei. That steel body won’t last forever. We can’t risk him freezing to death,” Reborn had worried.

“I’ve got it covered,” Yukina said confidently, spinning her guns by the trigger handles, “best way to knock one out is to separate them.”

“Need help?” Hayato offered, but Yukina had loaded her guns and gave him a warm smile, turning down his offer. He accepted that since he had seen her abilities for himself; but he just felt he hadn’t done anything at all.

“You seem disappointed, Gokudera. Sad that you don’t get to fight?” Reborn had inquired.

“Something like that, I guess…”

Homing shot,” Yukina had chanted. Just as Metallica was going to strike Ryouhei, he had noticed Yukina’s movement and backed off instantly as Yukina shot. The glyph shattered into shards and homed in on Leticia who wasn’t expecting it. Instead of cutting or stabbing her, the shards just gave her a blow to the stomach then gave her an uppercut in the air. Leticia recovered quickly and clenched her fists. She suddenly stayed suspended in the air and waved her arm out in front of her. Out of the air, ice shards with a purple coating had appeared. Just like the ones that had attacked her at the apartment.

“Learn to give up already!” Leticia had demanded, dropping her hand to fire the never-ending shards at Yukina. With a smirk, Yukina raised her head and stared right past the poison shards, looking at Leticia. The other girl had a fearful reaction, flinching slightly away. Her voice was shaking. “Why…?” she had breathed, “why aren’t you going to run?!” The smirk had warmed into Yukina’s natural, caring smile, her eyes the same.

“That’s up to you now, isn’t it?” Yukina had replied. Leticia looked panicked; she knew she wasn’t supposed to kill her.

“Yuki-nee!” she had cried when the shards were only centimetres from her. Yukina had closed her eyes, taking a breath. She heard the shattering close to her, feeling small hard drops over her. When her eyes opened, Yukina saw that the shards were gone; all broken up and falling to the ground as purple sparkling powder. Leticia had her hand raised in Yukina’s direction, palm open, breathing hard as tears rolled down her face. “Why didn’t you run?! That would’ve been fatal!” she had questioned.

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