23 Chapter

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"Alright that's all" I said as I hung up the phone. Okay. I'm almost done. I can go home soon. Well not home, but anyway, doesn't matter. I took all the documents and put them acordingly on the table in a fashionly order. I got up and ajusted my skirt. I walked up to the mirror in my office. I fixed my hair in a bun and then fixed my blouse. A bollo tie pink desinger blouse and leather skirt. Oh what have I become. "I should change my shoes" I sighed almonds powerless as I put on some red lipstick. I went to a hidden closet in my office and took out my black monolos." Okay. You look good kid" I smiled at myself in the mirror. I went out the door. With my assistant running up from her desk to me so fast. She always does this. I don't get it.

"Have a safe trip. See you Monday! I've checked it all and you're on ready to go. Mark will take care of all while you're gone. And I'll call you if nessecary?" She ran up to me. She looked so bubbly and nerveous. She made me laugh. I'm not that crazy of a person. She is new. So she isnt that used to working with me. But she's adorable. And always tries so hard. She's never messed up yet. And that's good enough for me. New ones are always like this.

"Great! No calling unless it a emergency. And send daily updates via email" I said sharp looking to her side as she walked writting it all down. "Oh" she looked at me with such big eyes when I said that "Stop being so nerveous. Bad in this buissnes they'll eat you up fast when you're like this. Keep your head up. You're doing great. Keep it up" I smiled as she looked like a puppy getting her bone. So happy. I laughed and opened the door as most of my employes waved goodbye. They always do that. It's so wierd. Yet it's kinda nice. To have such good relationships with them. Good for buissnes. And all.

"Your car is downstairs. Have a great trip. I'll take care of all. And try not to bother you on your vacation" Mark smiled. Yes the same Mark from school. Lord shit has changed so much. I smiled thanking him as I stepped in the elevator. I hate elevators. The pressure changing as I goes down. But in what hell hole would I run eleven flights of stairs in heels. This is easier. Much better. I pressed one as I went down. That's what he said. Okay I need to stop. No inappropriate toughts doing work. Well from it.

Some arens and a trip with my oppa tonight. For a week. I need the vacation. I could use time to relax. Haven't had one in a long time. Works been pilling up so much. I need to think of a solution. So I take my phone our and put that in my notes. What needs to be done needs to be done. I walked out to a sharp water city smell mixing up. Cafes, shops and the docks mixing up into one smell I love. I know its not good. And I should get used to our new house and the smell of the neighbourhood. It's much better for me. The neighbourhood is so nice but I will always feel close to this smell. I need it. Damn. The things you fall in love with. But Xiumin likes it better there and it is a great place. And since I love that bastard I'll survive. I walked up to my black Mercedes-Benz. It was a car I always wanted to live up to. Reach that level. As I have no worries about finances anymore. And it felt good. Not good great.

"Siri GPS coordinates to the smalldot café please." I said to my phone already connected to my car as she set it up. I started to drive. Driving past these buildings sure feels nostalgic. Ah the café we all used to hang out in. Our place. Our brunch spot. Some thing changed with that. We still have the usual Sunday brunches but some new people added as some BTS and EXO members as well as Jennie and Mark. Lord. I could have never imagined thinking that to happen. But it's not Sunday. It's Tuesday. So brunch with ma girls. And (bf/n) is also in town for the week. So I have to see her. No kidding there. I smiled as I parked at the café parking lot. I walked in. I saw a familiar face sitting at a table for five. Ahh us five. (Bf/n) should be a little late but Katrina and Dita should arrive soon. I'm just always somehow early. My problem.

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