17 Chapter

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I got up very early. A hour earlier than Xiumin usually does. Which was damn near impossible for me. I coulnd really open my eyes. I was really tired. I put on some shorts and Xiumin's tee. Something very satisfying about that don't know what it is yet. I went to the kitchen and everyone was asleep. So I started to prepare for the meal and cook. I started with cooking the eggs. They had to be just right. Not too runny not too chewy or hard. Then I made the sauce using mustard, hot pepper sauce, butter and lemon juice. I stared to make the ham. I hat to cook it for a small amount of time. Then I put the muffins in the oven to cook for a few minutes. I started to put it all together whilst baking the toast. Start with the muffin, then ham, then eggs and to top it all off I had to drizzle some sauce on top. Perfect. I put all the portions on two big plates. I took out the toast and put some butter with greens and spices on them and put those on a rack. Now all that's left is the fruit and tea. I'll start with the fruit. So in one big bowl I cut up apples, pears, strawberries, blueberries, mellon, kiwi, pinapple and watermelon. Whilst putting that down I had put on water for the tea. Now I took the pot and put three tea bags in and poured water with six lemon slices. Two slices for one bag. And closed the top to let it brew. I took out utensils and plates and put them all around the same as cups. I put on coffee too. Just hope I make that right and don't screw up. Then they were all about to come in as they smelled the smell of cooked eggs and ham all around. They all sat around the table. And Xiumin did too right after he kissed me. They all looked at me as if waiting for a speach. Well why the hell not. Not like I have anything better to do."Goodmorning. This time I made breakfast. What your looking at is eggs bendict which is a popular English breakfast. That with toast and green spice butter. In the white pot there is coffee and the black one contains black tea. Made from British tea that I have left from London. The bowl has a fruit salad. So thats desert" I smiled as they all looked so surprised. Its like they haven't seen breakfast before.

"Thank you and good apetít" Chen said as everyone followed with the same response. "So thats all really English breakfast that you'd have on a daily bases?"

"Yes... why?" I asked quite confused.

"Well I guess it's really  different. We don't usually have stuff like this" Tao said with a full mouth.

"Well there always comes a time to try something new. Doesn't there?" I smiled as Xiumin was stuffing his face. They all ate so fast. That I wasn't done with my first as everyone had already had atleast their third. Hmm. We all put some fruit in the bowls i had layed down before and had that and after that I was about to go dress. For the dress shopping.

"So who is going with you?" Luhan asked so interested.

"Well the girls, mine and Xiumin's mom's and his sister and if any of you guys want you can come too but it might be boring." I laughed as some raised their hands. So with me was Tao, Chanyeol, Chen, Luhan, Lay, Beakyun, Suho and Kai. Well that is the lots of them. "Okay I guess. I'll get ready and we leave at twelve. Okay?" I asked as they nodded. Well alright then. I went to Xiumin's room to dress. I wore a navy blue flowy floral dress and some black peep toe heals. I took my hair back into a ponytail. And it was curled as I spent the whole time cooking and eating with a bun. I put on some make up. And put everything back into my bag. Quickly cleaning up. Can't leave his room dirty if he spends so much time cleaning it. I went back and saw Xiumin. They were all still at the table. I tought I was away long. But I guess not. It was nearly twelve. I really do hope the girls don't show up in trees and what not. I kissed Xiumin goodbye as I had to leave him. It's bad luck to see the brides dress before the event. So we went into some cars and drove off to the bridal shop where I had the appointment. The drive was pretty calm. Comparing as we drove by the shop to park the car. The girls were already there. Thank god they aren't in everyday attire. Katrina was wearing professional pants and a deep V neck blose with flowers and a clutch bag that had the words property of V written on them. All of this matching couples stuff. Why do I already imagine V having a shirt saying the same type of thing but only with Katrinas name. Well it's not like he'd carry a clutch but I couldn't judge that now could I. Dita was wearing a high neck top, some braids, a skirt and  wearing fucking heels. I must remember to take her to the hospital. (Bf/n) was wearing a velvet short dress and combat boots. Why am I not surprised. Both the mom's arrived and them in blouses didn't surprise me. Xiumin's sister did. She was wearing a blouse with a nude leather pencil skirt. Hmm interesting day. We all walked in to a man greeting us.

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