6 Chapter

399 16 11


Ahh, morning again. I felt good, I hade a date, a boyfriend, since yestraday, that happened quite fast. I got up smiling, like those people on tv who always look great waking up altough I really didn't I mean my hair was quite the mess. And yet I did not care one bit, so I got up to fix my hair and face. Somehow I woke up quite early today, I didn't even need a alarm, even tough usually it takes me about ten of those to wake up. I walked up to my closet to fight  with it about a outfit once again. We decided on a floral overall-type dress, a white of the sholder top and some high top vans. I decided that today would be a great day to have those two french braids, well I didn't really decide that my hair did, as it wasn't cooperating at all. Still that couldn't ruin my mood. So I ran down grabbed my back pack, wrote a note on the fridge, since everyone was sleeping: "Sorry for not waiting decided to walk to school, may be back late again!" And I walked to school. The sun was shining and it was so hot outside I'm kinda glad I wore a dress.

As I walked up to the school I saw Katrina, Dita and V. Dita was wearing
a adventure time Marceline shirt and black shorts with new even cooler headphones, I wish I had some like that, Katrina also wore shorts but with a black loose tank. V - white shorts and a tank, can't say I'm surprised. A lot of tanks today, interesting.I said hi as I walked over to them. I really don't understand why I pay so much of my attention on what people wear. It's the thing I notice every day, it's not like it changes my perception of the person, I just think it's interesting to see how every outfit can change a person's charecter a little, like make them more confident, happy or cutsy. "Hi" I smiled and sat down beside them.

"Well your earlier than usual" Katrina said a tad confused "altough I can't say I'm complaining, let's be honest you should do that more often" she laughed as both of them agreed and Dita manedged to call me a slut again. What's with these nicknames? Nevermind.

"Hey, so we saw you ditching us at the lunch room to sit and MAKE OUT with your boyfriend" Dita said in a tone I couldn't even understand. "Thank god you still sit with us in the mornings" she laughed, well atleast that was a familiar expression.

"Sorry, I can't really say I regret it but still sorry for ditching you and not saying I was going to" I apologised smiling once again.

"Oh stop intimidating the woman, she's in love can't you tell, let her spend time with him, don't you agree oppa?" Katrina said so sincerely as V agreed smiling and hugging her while they sit. Oh, right I wanted to ask this days ago. I should, no one can fault me. It's not like I know the culture.

"I wanted to ask this before, but I never got the chance. Why do you always say oppa is that a nickname or something?" I asked looking confused as everyone giggled. Why are they doing that it's not like I grew up here, I really don't know.

"No silly," V laughed "It's something like boo or bae in this context but usually its the way most people call a older brother or male friend, but in this scenario she calls me that instead of saying babe or something"

"Oh, that really does explain a lot" I laughed at myself and so did all of them.

"It's okay, not like you could have known, and now that you do, you can call your hubby Xiumin- oppa" Katrina said very suggestively but before I could awnser I saw (bf/n) comming our way, she was wearing a romper again, well a different one, but still those things a really not practical at all how does she wear them so casually.

"Hey is no one going to class?" She laughed at us as everyone got up and we all went our separate ways, well some of us, I went with Dita to music. Not my favorite lesson, but Xiumin will be there so maybe I can live trough it. I went trough the door and before I could even say hello he hugged me and dragged me to a table right beside him.

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