7 Chapter

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The weekend passed quite camly.  I didn't really do much. I did meet up with the girls on Saturday, yes, just the girls. We had a girls night or day as they say. We went shopping and then to the most awsome library slash coffee shop. It was amazing esspecially for geeks like us: anime, manga,  kpop, comics and other franchise books (harry potter and things like that).

Yet Saturday I just spent doing nothing other than watching movies. It was uneventful. But it's Monday, you gotta give it to Xiumin. He makes me happy about school days. I mean I get to see him. And the best part is the fact that I don't have to argue with my closet, when with the girls I bought a outfit that's really cute and I wanna wear it today. I bought some brown sandals with a really small heal, white floral dress and a Jean jacket. I really think I wear too many flowers. I was up early again so decided to walk again and meet up with the guys like usual. I didn't even write a new note I put up the old on just crossing out the comming late part and ran off. Oh the sunny days, I love the weather so much. It still feels like summer. I got there and it was only Dita nd Suga. Hmm Suga's never here this early in the morning. Dita was wearing the black butler skirt she bought on Saturday. I really liked that one. "Hey hoe over here, come on!" She screamed across the whole field, damn that's a voice on that one, I laughed and went to them and I saw Katrina and V comming too, right after me. Katrina was also wearing the new shorts, baseball cap and tee she bought. Everyone is all so new. Well the girls. "Hi to you too hoe and her hoes oppa! " she laughed as Suga elbowed her.

"Hey,anything new?" I said curious.

"Nahh, boring weekend other than our day." Dita laughed and Katrina agreed.

"You had a day?" V asked. Hmm guess Katrina didn't tell him.

"Yah, a girls day oppa!" She smiled and we talked till we relised we're going to be late to class if we don't hurry. I swear we never keep track of time, what is that. Well I mean no one keeps time when having fun right!? I went to class with Katrina and Dita we had art again. Oh art. One of the few lessons I liked. We always sat together during it as we always talked when drawing. We rearly showed each other the drawings we drew. Guess the artists shy thing always plays a huge role. Interesting. So after a few periods me and the girls. All of us. Had sports. Jennie and her posse also did, but come om I had the girls with me so nothings going to happen.

We walked to the locker rooms dressed in sports gear. Sense it's still hot, like most I wore a sports bra and shorts. It was a fridging heat wave outside. The posse of hell was smiling at me, could they have something up their sleeve? Nah, the teacher is going to be there and the girls too. We were going to start with a run. The guys also had sports outside. Oh and we'll. Uhm how do I say this:                      heat wave +sports +Xiumin = well you know what I'm trying to say. Shirts really are burdensome. And god he has the perfect body, toned abs and all. Not what I expected to go with the cute Baozi face. God thirsty much? I laughed as I felt Dita elbow me and wink. I laughed ar that. I didn't even feel iritated this time. I even raised a eyebrow. "Thirst traps huh?" I laughed as Dita nodded. So we continued stretching and started those two laps. Why do teachers think it's okay to make us run in this heat? God are we ice queens or something. When I stopped, because I finished those damn bloody laps. We were right beside the guys and I forgot the fact that I was just wearing a sports bra and mini shorts  that tought escaped my mind. I mean I'm not really concious with my body. I work out and all and I do have like- in abs.  Those things when it's basically the beggining of having abs. Yeah that shiz. Lets be honest its all because of the dancing.Well I didn't really think it was overexposed in the locker room, because all the girls were like that too. But I saw some guys looking and then Chanyeol, yes the same guy who calls me gorgeous, whisled, that made Xiumin look. Well now I feel a tad exposed. And when i say a tad I mean alot. Oh stop it you look fire. He's expression suddenly changed. He bit his lip looking at me which made me giggle and made Jennie go nuts. She tried to look a lot sluttier, anyone could see that. Striking poses and showing her ass and all. It made most girls and some guys laugh. It was silly. But Xiumin's expression made me feel really confident about myself, well who wouldn't when a guy like that looked at you that way. Then I saw the sports teacher pull out a bat and signal us to the pitches.  Baseball. Yes may favorite damn thing I know how to play. The guys were playing socker right next to us. Well this isn't going to help me concentrate on baseball at all.

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