1. Disco-dancing butterflies.

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This is a completely ordinary story.

No vampires or werewolves, nor dragons and definitely no princesses.

Nah, this one is about a girl, who gave her heart away too much.
A guy who played with his own heart and another's.
A girl who went too far, to win too many hearts at once.
And a guy who had never owned a heart other than his own.

This one is about friendships and betrayals, timing and luck.
But most of all, it's about how, even if you don't get the love you chase after, the love you deserve will always find you.

It was a particularly boring day. Classes were going on as per schedule and I slept through most of them. I "almost" felt guilty.

I've been looking at the minute hand for over 10 mins now, trying to use my dormant telekinetic powers to make it move faster when finally it did and the bell rang signaling the end of the philosophy class.

Letting out an audible groan, I let my head fall onto my desk, which made it bounce with a crash.

"Well, that's gotta hurt", my best friend quipped from the desk before mine.

Sighing, I turned to face her, and gave her a pointed look.

Rolling her eyes at me, she went back to writing down notes. Ever the nerd.

It looked like the staff for the next class was running late. Happy to have some time for a little shut-eye, I cozied up as much as I could into my chair and willed sleep to come.

Off to dream land to have a nice romantic tea with Tom Hiddleston.

Or so I thought.

Reality seemed to have something better in store for me because that's when I heard his voice.

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't anything like an angelic choir or a hot seducing vampire calling out to you, causing your blood to boil with ecstasy.

But I remembered deeming his, my favorite set of baritone vocals the minute I heard him speak.

"Hey, guys. Can I have your attention please?"

He didn't have to ask me twice, my head shot up from where I had buried it in my arms, all eyes on him.

Ta Ta dream land.

"The hell is wrong with you, Lee?"

I could see Madeline, at my periphery, looking at me with her face all scrunched up in distaste. Everyone else in the class had quieted down as well. All looking up at the towering stranger in front of us.

I didn't spare her a single glance or an ear. Nope, I was too busy listening to a certain someone making an announcement about some sports meet being held in a couple of weeks on the college campus, and how he expected all of us to contribute in a couple of events. Bleh, bleh, bleh.

I heard all of this, sure, but all my eyes were registering into my head were a set of dark brown eyes, which shone every time he got excited at something he said, right above which were the thickest brows I'd ever seen in a guy.

And boy, was I a sucker for thick brows.

I think he was a little nervous, scratching at the back of his head after he finished talking. He wore a cream shirt paired with  washed jeans. He kept picking at his shirt every now and then.

It was a good thing I didn't get too carried away with my observation skills, or I would have missed what he said at the end.

"So, Umm, I need two volunteers from this batch to collect the names of participants and to provide help for organizing the meet on behalf of the entire class. Anybody interested?"

Before my brain even registered what signal it was giving, my arm shot up. Madeline let out a loud gasp next to me. You're not the only one shocked here, Mads!
Sports and I never really got along, the last time I participated in track was when I was 12 years old. Never again!
But all the important details just blurred away like the rest of the classroom and people around me when he locked eyes with me, an adorable grin framing his face.

"Oh great! You're Coraline Penn right?"

Fudge Biscuits! He freaking knew my name! Too shocked to get my mouth to form the words, I nodded frantically.

"Alright, so you and Eugene here can come over to the gym later after classes. We're having a little meeting to split out the work and such. Will 5 o clock be alright?"

Again I nodded like some mute, head bobbing toy.

Chuckling, he flashed me another grin, never losing eye contact as he made his exit.

"OK. See you then, Coraline Penn."

Damn. Coraline Penn, you are in some deep shit now.


Hello everybody! This is my first teen fiction ever. I've been working on it for a while now and still am. Can't promise you the fastest updates as Life is very much a reality of a rollercoaster ride for me rn! But stick with me and you won't be disappointed ;)

LIKE. VOTE. COMMENT. Let me know what you think lovelies!

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