Chapter 19

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A blue fire came out of my eyes making two holes in the white roof, I closed my eyes to try to stop it.

When I tried to look again the fire started making two new holes in the roof. I couldn't panic now I needed to calm down somehow.
I didn't know what this was but then I remembered something from a movie I saw when I was a child and then it hit me "Cyclops" from X-Men had laser coming through his eyes. But his was red and mine is blue.

I closed my eyes once again feeling the heat under my eyelids, but the feeling never went away.

            ~~~~ Two hours later ~~~~

"Hey wake up"

Noooooooooo five more minutes

"You need to wake up"

Noooooo, I wanna sleep more

"Stop being childish and wake up Carrie!"

I rolled over and faced Peter

He smiled at me and looked at me kind of funny, then I realised I had my pink unicorn pyjamas. I blushed.

"I saw the left overs of the pizza and that isn't enough for us two so we are going to the grocery shop". He smiled again. "Maybe you want to change?"

He left my room and then I started to look through my closet. It can't be to causal but not to fancy. I found some black shorts that ended to my knees and a black t-shirt. My Doctors Martens would look awesome to this and socks that ended right under my knees.

I walked down to see Peter sitting in the couch flipping through his phone, waiting for me.

"Finally, you took forever. Now we can leave".

I really hoped that he would say something nice about my outfit, but he never did while we walked out to his car.

We drove in silence, but when we were near the grocery store he said "It's a nice improvement from the unicorns"

I couldn't help myself to laugh out loud and so did he.

We parked the car and walk side by side to the store, when we were inside I left him and went to the movie and music section.

After flipping through the music for a while, I came across Damn Yankees self titled album that I always wanted. And I also found Extreme's second album which is Pornograffiti. I got extremely happy that I found them, now I have more to my collection of cds.

I know this is short but hey, I'm gonna start write the new chapter next Monday and it will be up next Sunday.

Peace out by Julia Draven

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