Chapter 17

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Someone knocked on the car window waking me up. The sun was shining through the window and I saw a fist against it.

"Hey unlock the door"

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"It's me Peter"

Gently I sat up and met his gaze and locked eyes. They were blue, darker than the sky but lighter than the sea. I reached for the the lock and opened the door for him.

"What happened? Are you okay Carrie?"

I nodded.

"You're bleeding, look" He said pointing at my thigh. He was right, my jeans were ripped opened and dried blood covered my leg. I must have scratched it when I jumped out of my car.

"Here you go".

He held out his black t-shirt leaving him shirtless in the hot sun. It was hard not to stare at him. I grabbed the shirt and pressed it to the wound.

"No you are doing it wrong". He sat down next to me in the car. "Here". He wrapped the t-shirt around my leg and tied it gently while I couldn't help myself to stare. He looked up and met my eyes. His hand was still resting on my thigh and I felt his warmth. It became silent between us and the car.

Soo um how did you find me Peter?

"I followed your scent"

Oh. And again it became silent in the car, and he still hadn't taken away his hand from me.

"You know maybe we should head back to Derek's loft, he's been worried sick about you. He's also been searching for you".

But what about my car? I don't want to leave it. No I won't leave it, I will not go anywhere without my car, we must find a way to fix it or at least know how to take it back with us.

"I can call Stiles and ask him if he can tow your car back, how about that?"

Yeah that sounds good.

I looked out the window and when I looked back again Peters soft lips were against mine throwing me off guard but after a few seconds I responded back and kissed him back. We kissed for a minute or two but it felt like hours.
When we pulled back I felt all the butterflies in my stomach.

What was that?

"It was a kiss"

Yeah that I know but why did you kiss me?

"Because I like you"

And all of a sudden I got startled by thunder and hit my head on the roof. And that's when it came to me, none of this never happened it all was just a dream.
A dream, but it all felt so real. I sighed and now I knew that I actually had fallen for Peter Hale.

But does he like me?

I know it's short, but hey it's up know. Sorry it took so long.
But I hope you guys will like this

Peace out by loveanime1899

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