“Ari, oh my God is that you?” Her voice became louder with each word.

“Yeah, are you okay?” I sat down on the bath tub side.

“Am I okay? You’re the one that’s being held hostage full of a house of freaks!”

“They’re not freaks.” The words left my lips before I could stop them.

“Oh no, you’ve developed that disease where you start to like your kidnappers oh no oh God, I have to get you out of there, Oh God. I can call the police…Yes, I’ll call the police and they can trace the phone call back to you and then they can-”

“Tay!” I hissed down the phone to stop her from rambling on. “I have not got Stockholm syndrome you idiot. There’s just some things you don’t understand. Archie he-he’s like our uncle kind of. I wasn’t supposed to stay with you when my parents…died; I was supposed to come and move here.” I explained

“That doesn’t make any sense Ari, if you were supposed to live with them you would have done so before, not fourteen years later!” Taylor hissed

“Yeah I know Taylor but it’s-” I stopped talking when I saw the doorknob turn slowly.

“It’s what Arabella? Because it sounds like bull to me.” Taylor spoke loudly into my ear.

There was a knock on the door and my heart started pounding in my chest faster than it should have.

“I-I’m in the shower.” I shouted

“Open the door.” Kyle answered from the other side

“Who the hell is that?” Taylor demanded

“It’s no one.” I whispered

“It doesn’t sound like ‘no one’ Arabella,” Taylor said and the door handle turned quickly to the left and then again to the right. “Hello? Arabella? Where the hell are you? Tell me and I can bring you home.”

“I don’t know where I am though that’s the thing, it’s by the beach somewhere- OH MY GOD!” I screamed as the door flew open and Kyle stalked towards me like a predator to it’s prey.

“ARI?!” Taylor shouted into my ear “Ari are you okay?”

The Princess of ElementsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ