Twenty three: Boys

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I have tried so hard to make it a longer chapter. Not sure if i'm that happy with it...let me know xoxox

Ari!” Kyle screamed and ran towards me.

“Holy shit.” I looked up at the person again, who had my forearm in their grasp. “Marcus?”

“Please don’t scream again.” He moaned and placed his free hand on his forehead.

“Arabella!” Kyle picked me up from behind, freeing my arm from Marcus’ grasp and pushing me to the side “Don’t you ever touch her again.” He shouted at Marcus before he punched him right on the jaw.

“KYLE!” I screamed but he just punched Marcus again. “KYLE STOP!” I grabbed Kyle’s arm, knowing that he wouldn’t hurt me and he instantly relaxed. “Kyle that’s Marcus!”

“I know.” He said through gritted teeth “I would have burned his arse but I thought punching him would be more satisfactory…I was right.”

“Be warned that when I recover I am going to beat the shit out of you.” Marcus leant on the doorframe and threatened.

“What the hell happened to you?” I asked him

“I was attacked.” He breathed the words “I would be much happier if we could discuss this inside Princess?”

“Of course,” I pushed Kyle out of the way and grabbed Marcus’ arm, leading him towards the kitchen.

“Now please tell me what’s going on?” I asked as Marcus sat at the table and Kyle shut the kitchen door and locked the back door.

“I was on my way here, and I smelt something…off…So I changed but nothing looked off to me so I just changed back, that’s when something jumped on my back, knocked me to the ground.” Marcus looked down as if he was embarrassed to tell the story of how we was attacked “I turned over but I couldn’t see the attacker, it was a male though, shot me a few times in the arm when I ran so he was either really bad at shooting or he wasn’t trying to kill me. I ran around for a bit, didn’t want to lead them here.”

“When was this??” Kyle asked

“About an hour ago. They ran off. I didn’t see where they went.” Marcus cracked his knuckles.

“Why did you…you know…just um…wolfy it up and kill the dude?” I asked

“Because my attacker was human.” Marcus said more to Kyle than to me

“So?” I asked

“Marcus’ pack aren’t allowed to just ‘wolfy it up and kill humans’ it’s against their laws.” Marcus said to me

“Oh.” I nodded as if I understood everything.

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