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          I had another dream about The Doctor... But this time....
I. Had. A. Boyfriend.
And he was really cool, and really smart!
I'm not going into much detail, it's partially because I'm tired and sick.
But, my family, friends, and I were running from these wolf things, who could morph into human like beings. So, we barricaded ourselves in my house, and The Doctor showed up... Again, it was Capaldi/12! Then I don't know why, but I got to be his new companion! So, we ended up going to my school, which was also a hospital thingy place, and I met this guy who knew The Doctor! So, we also knew each other (apparently in my dream, he was a close friend) and we hugged. But! I had these feelings for this guy, and he liked me back... So we kissed... And then something happened, lots of running! It went from Capaldi to Tennant... So, we're running around places, and now I'm hopelessly in love with someone who isn't even real... And I'll most likely never see him again! Yeah!
I really miss him, though... I actually did love him...
He was smart, funny, loving, wore these vintage glasses that my dad used to have... He was polite, pretty good looking, etc.
You know, everything a girl looks for in a guy... Or at least me... I'll try to find a pic of the glasses, but in the meantime...
Geronimo! (Idk, lol)

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